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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 34

Her gaze was pointed with an unmistakable intention. The man's eyes narrowed, and he quickly stood up, tossing her copy of "Gemstone Gazette" to the side.

"Hey, why'd you chuck my heartthrob, huh?" Whitney immediately cradled the book to her chest like a prized possession. "Once you gave it to me, it's mine. It's got works by the world's jewelry maestro, L.C., in it. I plan to cuddle up with this book in bed!"

The man paused for a moment, then let out a meaningful chuckle. "L.C. is your heartthrob?"

"Yep, he's the man I admire most."

"Oh." Whitney could not fathom the deepening amusement in the crook of his smile.

She muttered, "L.C.'s insights on jewels are the sharpest and most profound! Sadly, nowadays, many jewelry firms have strayed from their true calling. Take Imperial Gem Corporation, for instance. That Mr. Lippert is all businessman, full of sneaky tricks. I just hope he doesn't accept any kickbacks for Monica's painting. If he does, may his ego shrink by 4 inches!"

A sudden chill replaced the lazy amusement beside her.

Whitney did not notice. "Hmph, serves him right if he ends up lonely and childless."

A piece of candy was abruptly shoved into the young woman's mouth, effectively silencing her.


October 1st arrived swiftly, marking the opening of the grand jewelry competition.

Designers from all levels of jewelry companies were to enroll at the Imperial Gem Corporation tower.

Tiana accompanied Whitney early to the event. As they spotted Monica's car outside, Tiana snorted coldly, "Monica sure got here early! After her reputation took a hit at the charity gala, the Valentines must have been busy throwing money at PR. Preston must be on the verge of a heart attack because of that mother-daughter duo."

Whitney's lips curled slightly. "Their reputations have been tarnished, and the high society is whispering about them. Preston, of all people, cares about reputation the most. Plus, with Phebe opposing the engagement, Monica is desperate to dazzle at this competition to win over Preston and secure a lavish wedding. Besides, this competition is a bet between her and me; she's bound to take it seriously."

Tiana smirked, "With Monica's reputation in shambles, if you take a swipe at her career and ensure her defeat, I bet the Valentines will be even more annoyed with her. When the family crumbles, you can reclaim your company and exact revenge."

Whitney's eyes narrowed, contemplating exactly that.

As they entered the grand lobby of Imperial Gem Corporation, Monica descended from the executive elevator with Simon in tow, both sporting smiles.

Upon spotting Whitney, Monica's pride soared. She pulled Whitney aside, her voice dripping with malice, "Sis, you're here, too? I'm afraid an unknown designer like you won't catch Mr. Lippert's attention. Just so you know, Mr. Lippert accepted and adored my landscape painting. You don't stand a chance, bitch."

Whitney blinked in surprise, and Tiana's face stiffened.

"Simon, thanks for spending 26 million dollars on the painting for me!" Monica sweetly returned to Simon's side, flaunting their affection.

Simon's eyes, however, flickered towards Whitney.

Whitney clenched her fists. That insufferable Mr. Lippert.

On the surface, she remained calm, her voice icy. "A man who spends 26 million on you but eyes a mistress behind your back? Better watch your back, Sis."

Monica stiffened.

Simon's face darkened, "What nonsense are you spouting, Whitney?"

Whitney did not spare him a glance and walked away, loathing in her heart.

The registration event was held in the third-floor conference room. When the handsome figure of the Imperial Gem Corporation's boss appeared, every designer, male and female, gawked.

This man bore an extraordinary countenance, a testament to God's favor, with a tall and imposing physique.

Wherever he went, hearts fluttered, yet his enigmatic aura and intimidating presence kept people at bay.

"OMG, Mr. Lippert himself is here!" A female designer squealed under her breath.

Tiana frantically tugged at Whitney's sleeve, "Despite everything, this infuriating man is just too much. So his name is Ludwik Lippert, such a charming name!"

Monica, too, felt weak at the sight of the man. A titan of the jewelry industry, he held sway over business life and death. He was more dashing and capable than Simon; marrying him would be a true coup.

Only Whitney's eyes blazed with hatred as she caught sight of the name Ludwik, mouthing silently, "Lousy name."

At the chairman's seat, the man of high stature frowned suddenly.


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