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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 344

After sending several texts that seemed to sink into the abyss, Ludwik finally realized he had been blocked by a certain woman.

Dumped with divorce papers and then blocked, all because he stole a kiss. Was she really taking it this far?

"Mr. Lippert, Ms. Valentine’s assistant got in touch. Danny has been returned to the estate," Felix burst in to announce.

Ludwik's face turned to stone. She wouldn't even deal with him directly now?

"Also, Mr. Lippert, there are a couple of news stories you might want to see," Felix hesitated before handing over the tablet.

After scanning the news, Ludwik's handsome face darkened, finally understanding why he had been blocked. "Why didn't you show me this sooner?"

"You just woke up," Felix thought, biting his tongue in fear, as his eyes glanced at the news photos revealing Ludwik in an intimate moment, helping Elaine drink water.

Felix awkwardly tried to explain, "I don't know how the reporters got into the hospital or managed to snap from such angles. The media are all over your and Elaine’s ‘deep affection,’ saying your marriage won't be affected by the Bartels Group scandal..."

Ludwik’s gaze swept across another headline: Zane's release after a night of interrogation, aided by an unknown benefactor.

Whitney must have thought he was behind it.

His brow furrowed in thought. Then, looking toward Elaine's hospital room next door, Ludwik's expression cooled as he ordered, "Have Whitney meet me at Skyfaith Group for the jewelry exhibition project, this morning!"

Felix paused, a smirk flickering at the corner of his eye.

Ludwik walked into Elaine's room, finding her fresh-faced. "Ludwik, you’re up?" she asked timidly.

"Did you arrange for the paparazzi last night and the news this morning? You know I hate these tactics," Ludwik said with an uncharacteristically cold tone, tossing the tablet on the table with a thud.

Elaine's heart skipped a beat, her lips turning pale, but then Ashton burst into the room.

"Why blame Elaine? I did it!" Ashton declared, stepping in front of her. "You were ignoring her, so I called the reporters. The Bartels Group scandal needs your protection now more than ever!"

Ludwik's icy demeanor didn't waver. "And her father’s release, that was you too?"

"So what if it was? You wouldn’t help, am I not allowed to?" Ashton retorted protectively.

Elaine, tears brimming, stepped forward, "Please don't fight over me. I'm just happy you agreed to fulfill our marriage agreement, Ludwik. I haven't been plotting anything."

Ludwik looked at her, his gaze indifferent, then warned Ashton with a chilling tone, "Remember, you’re married, Ashton. Stay out of other people’s business."

Thinking of Valerie, Ashton stiffened, but guessed Ludwik somewhat believed his explanation.

Without another word to Elaine, Ludwik instructed the housekeeper to take care of her before heading to the office.

Elaine watched him go, her gaze cold. She needed to leave the hospital and push forward with the wedding plans.


Orion drove Whitney to the towering Skyfaith Group building, now a landmark of Banyan City, its grandeur a testament to Skyfaith's global dominance.

Orion gritted his teeth in envy. "Ludwik’s really loaded."

"Do you think he called you here on purpose today?"

Orion smirked, "The art gallery's jewelry project? He’s clinging to control, baiting his ex-wife, that’s all."

He snatched the project documents from Whitney and strutted into the imposing entrance.

On the 66th floor, in the austere CEO's office, Ludwik received a call. "Mr. Lippert, Ms. Valentine is in the meeting room."

Ludwik stood, rolling up his sleeves, his aura all business as he headed to the meeting.

Upon entering, Ludwik’s eyes locked on Whitney, but then Orion stepped in front, grinning cheekily. "Bro, Imperial Gem Corporation is here for business."

Ludwik’s handsome face darkened at the sight.


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