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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 69

She knew too much, so he couldn't shake her off just yet!

With the Valentine Corporation in peril and Yvonne's uncle, who had invested in the corporation multiple times, he suddenly remembered Yvonne's worth. Preston's face turned thunderous as he tried to help her up.

But Yvonne, filled with resentment, shrugged him off and straightened up, heading upstairs with dignity, "You better remember who can save the Valentine Corporation in its hour of need and be grateful to me!"

Her flawless makeup took years off her face. That night, Yvonne arrived at a five-star hotel and knocked on a door.

The man who opened the door was fat and lavish, in his fifties or sixties. His eyes lit up at the sight of Yvonne, "You've come, my dear niece."

Yvonne pushed away his wandering hands with a playful scold, "Just let me in first, Uncle Kyler. then we can talk."

And “talk” unfolded in its most intimate ways.

This man, Kyler, was an “uncle” Yvonne called in her younger days when she was involved in the entertainment industry. He ran a large company in Emperor City.

But Yvonne's sights were set not on him, but on his wife's illustrious family, the Bartels of Emperor City.

Emperor City was a rich and powerful place that everyone envied. It made her hometown of Banyan City insignificant.

The Bartels were a force to be reckoned with, a true dynasty, and Kyler's wife, whom Yvonne called her Auntie, was just a distant relation of that family.

Over the years, Yvonne had been currying favor and aiming to weasel her way into the Bartels' main family. She proudly claimed to be their niece, and it gave her an edge in society.

"Uncle Kyler, you must help me," Yvonne implored tearfully. "Could you plead with the Bartels on behalf of your poor niece and her daughter?"

After her ‘ministrations,’ she secured a 500 million dollar investment for the Valentine Corporation.

The next day, Kyler brought astonishing news – he had the Bartels' heiress coming to meet them, who was moved by their plight.

For Yvonne, this was an unprecedented honor.

She had never been able to break into the Bartels' inner circle, let alone meet the renowned Elaine Bartels.

Monica was dumbstruck, "Mom, is that the cousin you've always told me about? The most powerful and noble one?"

Yes, Yvonne had instilled in Monica the drive to cling to power and status. She regarded Elaine Bartels as a high-born cousin, and she was brimming with pride.

Standing at the pristine entrance of the Valentine Mansion, they nervously awaited Elaine.

A Maserati pulled up. Monica thought her cousin had a taste for understatement.

But when the woman stepped out, her presence was anything but understated. Surveying the Valentine Mansion with a glance, she entered with an air of ownership.

Monica was struck by her cousin's beauty, which rivaled that of Whitney, the woman she loathed.

Elaine was so young; her eyes were twinkling with an effortless aristocracy and depth.

Monica's attention, however, was captured by the low-key but exceedingly valuable watch on her cousin's wrist.

In the face of such grandeur, the mother and daughter felt utterly inadequate.

The woman sipped her coffee with a discerning eye, seemingly unimpressed.

Kyler, out of nervousness, managed to stutter out, "Elaine Bartels."

"Leave us alone." Elaine commanded.

Kyler hastily complied.

Elaine regarded the mother and daughter with a soft voice, "Uncle Kyler told me that you are some kind of relatives of his. Hearing your predicaments, I'm a bit touched and willing to help. Who are you up against?"


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