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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 71

When Natalie saw that Whitney had returned with a bag of baby outfits, a smile spread across her face. "Whitney, are you seriously buying clothes for our little peanut already? Look at you, playing mom."

"It's not like that, Mom. This is a gift from Elaine."

Natalie's smile faded a bit as she paused, examining the tiny garment. "Why would she give you baby clothes?"

"Out of courtesy, I guess." Whitney, feeling a bit sleepy, wandered into the kitchen for a glass of warm milk.

Emerging from the kitchen, Whitney couldn’t find Natalie, Taryn or Xandra. While searching for them, she discovered Natalie by the backyard trash can, tossing away the clothes from Elaine.

Shocked, Whitney approached. "Mom, why are you throwing away brand-new clothes?"

Natalie whirled around, startled by the unexpected sound. Recognizing Whitney, she relaxed slightly but remained visibly tense.

Quickly, she offered an explanation with a forced smile. "The fabric... it's not suitable for a newborn. Elaine probably didn't know any better. Don't worry, honey, I've bought plenty of clothes for the baby. Come upstairs and see."

Whitney, sensing Natalie's words were jumbled and her gaze troubled, followed her upstairs but couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Why would Natalie discard the gifts upon hearing they were from Elaine? There seemed to be no apparent animosity between them.

Before long, Natalie had to leave for an injection.

Whitney walked back to the trash can, yet Taryn halted her. "Natalie insisted that you shouldn't pick them up."

"I wasn't going to. It's just that Mom's been a bit off today."

Taryn sighed. "The lady once suffered from memory loss. Sometimes, old forgotten matters stir her emotions, leading to unusual behavior. Haven't you noticed how carefree she's been lately? It's because of her forgetfulness."

Taryn dared not discuss Natalie's condition further. However, Whitney had also observed Natalie's childlike joy, free from the burdens of the past.

Could Natalie's previous aversion to Elaine, now forgotten, be the reason for discarding the clothes? Was there something harmful about them?

Whitney’s curiosity about Elaine increased, sensing a subtle complexity.

Later, Taryn brought some baby clothes to Whitney's bedroom, per Natalie’s request.

While Whitney sorted through the clothes, Ludwik entered the room, loosening his tie. Witnessing his radiant wife selecting tiny clothes struck him with unusual warmth, as if they were a real couple.

His usually guarded heart softened, and he cleared his throat to announce his presence.

Whitney turned, flustered, tossing aside the clothes.

"Embarrassed to be a mom? You'll have to pick clothes for them eventually."

Ludwik strode over, long-legged, and casually examined a onesie. It looked comically small in his large hand.

Imagining their child nestled in his palm, Whitney was struck by how paternal he seemed.

"They're kinda cute," he remarked, "Will the baby be as small as a bean?"

"Of course not! Were you born the size of a bean?" Whitney retorted, having done her reading.

"It depends on you. Eat more," he frowned, assessing her figure critically.

"I'm in great shape, thank you very much."


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