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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 79

In the sterile hospital room, Whitney was slowly regaining consciousness after a frantic rush of emergency care. Grogginess gave way to awareness as her eyes fluttered open, only to settle on Simon standing by her bedside. Her heart sank a little; she had hoped to see L instead. Her hand instinctively moved to her belly, seeking reassurance.

Simon looked down at her, his voice devoid of warmth. "You're going to be alright, the baby's fine. But you... you've taken a beating protecting your child. There are deep bruises all over, and you can't take any pain relief because of the pregnancy. It's going to be a long road to recovery."

Pain shot through her with every movement, and Whitney's throat felt parched. "How did I get out?" she rasped, confusion lacing her words.

Simon wasn't entirely sure himself. He hadn't seen Tiana, but he wanted to appear useful, maybe even a hero. "I went back to the Perlman Mansion and pleaded with my dad for your release..."

"Was it you who saved me?" Whitney asked, puzzled. Simon, driven by his own agenda, didn't deny it.

It wasn't L?

But then again, he hadn't shown up.

A bitter taste filled Whitney's mouth, and she coughed, "What about Tiana? She wouldn't ignore my plight. You said she didn’t show up. Did something happen at the Lutz Mansion?"

Simon frowned, his concern growing as Whitney's coughs seemed to wrack her body. He quickly helped her sit up a bit more comfortably. "You focus on healing. I'll take care of those things for you."

"No need," Whitney pushed him away. The sight of Simon now only left her with a chilling void. "Simon, you don't need to do any of this. Whatever you do holds no meaning for me anymore. The only thing I have for you is the pain from when you tried to kill me. If you feel any guilt towards me, just give me my grandfather's address book and any other leads you have."

Simon's face stiffened with her cold rejection. The address book was his leverage, knowing that giving it up meant severing their last tie.

However, contemplating the address book caused a shadow to darken Simon’s face, and he suddenly asked, "Whitney, your uncle..."

She had lost contact with her uncle years ago after he cut ties with their grandfather and moved abroad. The last time Whitney had heard anything about her uncle was when she was brought back from a kidnapping, and Yvonne had whispered to Preston about dealing with him eventually.

"Do you have news about my uncle?" Whitney asked immediately.

"There's a number in the address book that might reach him." Simon watched her closely. "You should focus on recovering first, and we can discuss these matters afterward."

Whitney knew he was stringing her along. Just as she was about to respond, a wave of nausea hit her hard, the feeling of impending vomit overwhelming her. "I need to throw up. Must be morning sickness," she said through red, tearful eyes, feeling the violent surge in her stomach, possibly exacerbated by her injuries.

Without hesitation, Simon helped her off the bed, and only then did Whitney notice she was wearing a man's sweater. "Is this yours?" she asked, frowning.

"Your clothes were torn, and there wasn't a hospital gown available. I didn't want you to catch a cold. But let's not talk about that now. I'll carry you to the bathroom."

Too weak to protest, Whitney was carried into the bathroom. She retched violently, feeling utterly drained by her severe morning sickness. Leaning helplessly against the toilet, she longed for L's presence, her tears falling silently.

"What's wrong? Is it very painful?" Simon, thinking she was hurting, reached for some tissue to help her.

Whitney's hands trembled as she failed to catch the tissue. Simon, pained by the sight, tried to wipe her mouth, but she turned away. Looking down, he tried to find a smile, "Do you despise me that much, Whitney? I know whatever I do now seems redundant to you..."

"Simon, I thank you for getting me out, but..."

Suddenly, the bathroom door was violently kicked in, and a cold, menacing aura that had been lurking outside swept in.

Whitney felt a chill run down her spine; she was in too much pain to turn around.

Observing the masked man at the door, Simon’s body tensed, yet he instinctively drew Whitney closer.


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