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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 95

Ludwik flicked off the main lights, enveloping her in silence and his undeniable warmth. Sensing something was not right, Whitney's cheeks flushed as she caught a glimpse of his toned midriff under the covers. Yet, he made no further moves, merely gazing at her with a bemused expression as she lay there, stuffed and nearly delirious from the hearty barbecue dinner. He gently tapped her forehead and murmured, "Time to sleep."

She smelled wonderful. Nestled beside her, he finally had a good night's rest.

The comforting scent that lulled him to sleep was a mystery, reminiscent of the girl who had saved him that night years ago, magical almost.

His phone screen lit up silently as he was about to drift off. He switched it to mute—it was a call from Elaine.

Ludwik propped himself up slightly, causing Whitney to murmur in discomfort before turning over to continue her slumber.

He smiled softly, tucking her in before stepping onto the balcony and closing the door behind him to take the call.

"What?" Elaine only called for work-related matters, he knew.

On the other end, Elaine detected his icy tone and felt a mixture of relief and a tinge of jealousy. She had intentionally called at this hour, hoping to interrupt intimate moments. But his voice betrayed no hint of such activities. Had he really not touched Whitney again?

Elaine's frown eased as she got to business, "I'm sorry to bother you this late, Bro, but there's something about Whitney. She turned down the two vendors you recommended for her. Maybe she doesn't want your help, or she's looking for someone else?"

Ludwik paused mid-drag of his cigarette, his brows furrowing as he exhaled into the night.

He said nothing more than a curt, "I see."

Elaine could sense his displeasure. "Do you want me to find out which vendor Whitney's in touch with?"

"Yeah," Ludwik responded before ending the call.

He put out his cigarette and returned inside. His towering form approached the bed where Whitney lay; her delicate features softened in sleep.

The furrow between his brows deepened. He had good intentions in helping her; why had she refused?

He did not understand. She had not mentioned it in the car earlier. The Imperial Gem Corporation was already a rival to Skye Gem Ltd. He had lowered his pride to assist her.

Did she not trust him? Was she afraid her small business would be harmed?

He gently pinched her cheek, his expression still tender. Perhaps it was time to let her get to know him better and dispel her suspicions.


The next morning, Whitney awoke to prepare for work.

Ludwik finished tying his tie, his imposing figure emerging from the dressing room, his masked handsome face portrayed seriousness in the early light.

He was off to work, but before leaving, he tossed her a smile and said, "Come by my office after work."

"Wow, you're letting me know what you do now?" Whitney was surprised.

"There's a lot to my business. I don't mind you knowing some of it, seeing what I'm up to." He flicked a business card her way.

Whitney looked down at it: United Realty Corporation, complete with an address.

United Realty Corporation was the largest real estate firm in the country! Almost every upscale mansion in Banyan City was built by them.

Holy cow, was her husband really this loaded?

Whitney did a mental calculation. Skye Gem Ltd. was worth 20 billion dollars, but the market value of United Realty Corporation was beyond her comprehension.


With her heart in turmoil, Whitney arrived at the office and shared the news with Tiana.

Tiana was stunned. "United Realty Corporation is one of Banyan City's most mysterious companies, aside from Imperial Gem Corporation and Skyfaith Electronic Tech, the technology giant! I can't believe United Realty Corporation is your husband's. Madam, you've got my respect!"

"What do I do? Suddenly, him being so wealthy seems kinda hot. I think I'm falling for him," Whitney confessed, touching her cheek.


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