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Love Contract novel Chapter 146

The Greek Aegean Sea was located in the east of the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its beautiful sceneries and mysterious legends, it became a world-class tourist paradise. In fact, it was a prime spot for many couples to come and visit.

On the banks of the Aegean Sea, there was a young man dressed in simple casual clothes with a camera in his hands. Victor's bag hung on his shoulders as he walked down the shoreline.

Suddenly, his phone rang, knocking him out of his thoughts. He grabbed it from his pocket.

Without hesitating, he pressed the 'reject' button, but his fingers trembled while holding the phone.

The photo on his screen was none other than him and a woman. Even the phone in his hand was what they won four years ago when they had attended an event together. Somehow, all of these felt like as if they were some faraway memory he had of the past.

"Mary..." he mused to himself before shaking his head. Putting away his phone, he continued taking pictures of the scenery before him. The bright blue sky shone overhead as the glittering sea reflected the yellow rays above him. It was truly worth every second of his trip. Before he could take another picture from a different angle, his phone rang again. At first, he had half his mind in just ignoring the call and waiting for it to pass, but as the ring continued for the next minute, he knew he had no other choice but to answer.

Victor took his phone out of his pocket and snapped,

"Hello? You better have a good reason for calling me."

"Are you interested in shooting a movie?" A woman's voice came through the line, and his scowl deepened.

"Haven't I told you thousands of times already? Don't bother calling me again!"

"A shame." The woman sighed mournfully. "It's my first movie. Victor, won't you give me a chance?"

When the name left her lips, he was so shocked that he almost dropped his phone. He staggered backwards, feeling as if a blast of cold air had slammed against his face.

"Victor..." she said again. "Don't you remember me?"

There was a moment of silence, and she waited for his reply.

"Mary? Mary?" Victor had been out of the entertainment industry for almost five years, and he still couldn't forget the woman he was speaking to right now.

He almost jumped up in the air. His grip around his phone tightened drastically. "Are you... Is it really you?"

"You finally remember me?" she teased lightly.

"I..." He swallowed, freezing still. Shaking his head, he turned to the side, away from the scenery.

"I didn't expect that you still have the same number," she murmured.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to find me if I changed mine." He gripped his phone. So many emotions coursed through his veins, as various thoughts entered his mind. His heart raced in his chest. "Where have you been all these years?"

"I'm sorry," she choked out. "I left without saying goodbye. I'm sorry..."

"Mary," he whispered lowly. A part of him was afraid that if he called her out one last time, she wouldn't answer-that this would all be a part of his imagination.

"It's me, Victor," she responded, and he could already picture her bright eyes and smiling features. His heart clenched.

"Where are you now? I'll head right there," he said anxiously. He quickly shoved his camera back into his travel bag and looked around.

"I've just come back in A City. And you? I haven't heard from you for four years, and I thought... I just couldn't bring myself to call you.

"I'm actually in the Aegean Sea now." He chuckled in relief. It seemed that he might be going home sooner than he had initially thought. He gazed at the crowds of tourists surrounding him. "I've been traveling for the past four years. I was hoping I could bump into you in my trips, but...it seemed that fate has other plans. Fortunately, you were able to reach me."

"Victor..." she hiccupped, and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm so, so sorry."

"You shouldn't cry," he comforted, trying his best to cheer her up. "C'mon, if anyone should cry, it's me. Try not to steal my moment here."

"It's just...I'm so sorry...." she repeated those three words over and over again like a broken record.

"It's really fine. You-you don't know how happy I am now. I'll be flying back to A City soon. You better not be going anywhere."

"Come back." Blinking back her tears, she stated, "I'll be waiting for you here."

'She's in A City. She's finally back.'

"Okay." He then furrowed his eyebrows upon remembering the first thing she told him when he had picked up the phone. "Wait, what movie were you talking about earlier?"

There was a short pause. "It's a secret," she said slowly. "I'll wait for you to come back so we can discuss this in person."

"Okay then. I have to hang up. I need to buy a ticket back," he quickly said.

She raised her eyebrows. "Why are you in such a rush?"

"Well, I can't let a lady wait that long, can I?" he teased, and she let out a light laugh.

"Still a smooth talker. Tell me the flight number later. I'll be waiting for you at the airport."

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, Victor was still in a daze. She had finally called him. So many years of searching for her, and he finally got to see her.

An animalistic scream ripped out his throat as he threw his arms up in the air. "Finally! Mary, you're back!" Without paying attention to the other tourists who had turned their attention to him, he ran along the coastline of the Aegean Sea. His smile slithered its way onto his lips. It had been so long since he had been this happy. "Mary! Mary!"

The tourists glanced his way. The quiet and seemingly indifferent man was jumping around like a child who had been given an early Christmas present. His infectious laughter brought a smile onto their faces as they all chuckled with him.

Under the bright skies and near the rippling ocean, the running figure made for a strange but beautiful sight.

In a villa of A City.


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