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Love Contract novel Chapter 147

His face softened at the sight of the young girl. 'Madam did say that I could take the children out for fun if they want to...' he thought, glancing at her. Besides, she'd be safe as long as he kept a close eye on her.

"Please?" she said again. Her eyes glistened under the artificial light, looking even more adorable.

With a sigh, Robert finally conceded. "Okay, I'll take you there now, but you have to promise me to behave."

"Okay! Thank you, Uncle Robert!"

Seeing as she finally got what she wanted, Elissa jumped onto the car seat and clapped. Throughout the entire ride, she hummed the happiest tune she could think of as she gazed out the window. 'I'm about to see Uncle Victor!' she said to herself, resisting the urge to squeal. If she would meet him later, would she hug him or kiss him first?

"Elissa, we're here!"

Robert announced. "Really?" She snapped out of her thoughts and peered through the car window. Gazing at the tall building before her, she gasped. "It's so high. This is even bigger than the place where Mom works!"

Without another word, she pushed the door open and raced into the building.

"Elissa!" Robert got off the car hurriedly. He was about to race in when a guard blocked his way.

"Sir, you can't park the car here." The guard stood, motioning to the parking spots at the back. "Please move the car away as soon as possible."

"But..." Staring at Elissa's retreating figure, Robert hurriedly got into the car and drove it to the parking lot. 'Madame is going to kill me!' he thought.

The young girl gazed in wonder as dozens of suited men and women walked past her. She pursed her lips, wandering towards the elevator.

"There are so many people at the right side," she noted, narrowing her eyes at the right elevator. "Maybe I should take the left." She squeezed through the crowd and opened the door of the CEO's exclusive elevator. She walked in leisurely.

The staff waiting in line gaped at the sight. Just then, William had also walked into the building and their eyes were so wide that they looked like they could pop right out of their sockets.

"Mr. Lan!"

"Mr. Lan!" they all greeted together. Even then, their eyes still hadn't left the girl in the elevator. The man strode towards his own elevator and nodded at his employees.

He scrunched up his eyebrows when he noticed a young girl struggling to reach the highest button at the side. She was gritting her teeth in annoyance.

Elissa glanced at the towering figure right beside her and quickly took two steps back. When he didn't move, she pursed her lips.

"Sir, aren't you coming in?" she asked softly, tilting her head.

Surprised, he stepped in and raised his eyebrows. "Kid, who are you with?" He looked around only to see that no one was with her.

"Just me!" She puffed up her chest proudly.

"What are you doing here then?" As William stared at the girl in front of him, an unknown feeling surged through his heart. The hardness gone from his features, he slowly bent down to look at her.

"I'm looking for someone." Elissa ran a hand through her hair. "Could you press the topmost button?"

Uncle Victor was the most handsome and powerful man alive. There was no way he wouldn't be at the top floor! That was the only place he could be at.

"What?" William blinked back in shock. The top floor was the thirty-second floor-that was where he worked in. Who was she looking for?

Seeing that he made no move to press the button, the young girl stomped her foot in frustration. She threw her hands up in the air and waved them around almost exasperatedly. "Hello? Uncle, don't you understand Chinese?" she murmured, scrunching up her nose.

"Are you deaf or something?" He gaped. In the last four years of his life, perhaps even more, no one had spoken to him like that.

"I can give you money." Her chubby hands went to her purse and took out a few dollars' worth of money. She pushed it towards him. "Here," she stated.

"Please help me push the button," she added in English. Staring at the young girl who was shorter than half his height, William was completely dumbfounded.

Being the CEO of AJ Group he was so used to giving others money, not the other way around. Yet here he was, being handed a few dollar bills by the young girl.

"Here you are!" She held the money in her hand higher.

"No need." Rubbing the spot in between his eyebrows, he pressed the button and turned to her. "What's your name?" he questioned.

She pursed her lips. "Mommy said that we can't say our names to strangers." William blinked. It was rare for him to be left completely speechless, yet here the girl was-doing it for what seemed to be the second time.

"Uncle, am I beautiful?" she asked, snapping him out of her thoughts. She stared at her hazy reflection from the elevator, scrutinizing every inch of her face. She wanted to be as beautiful as possible when she would meet her idol.

"You are very beautiful." He nodded.

Elissa jumped excitedly. "Thank you! Oh! We're almost there."


The elevator doors opened, and they finally stepped out. Elissa's eyes widened. The office before her was clearly even more magnificent than the lobby given its floor to ceiling windows and bright lighting. This was definitely far better than her mother's office.

Jane, Andy, and Virgil were stunned at the sight of the duo entering the office. "Mr. Lan..." one of them uttered before falling silent,

Raising his eyebrows, he glanced back at the little girl. "Well," he prompted. "Who are you looking for?"

"Victor!" she proclaimed. "Where is he?"

"Victor?" He frowned. He hadn't seen the man since four years ago. Some said that he was touring the world...

"What are you doing here? Why do you want to see him?" Jane smiled as she stared at the adorable girl.

"Victor is my idol!" She jumped up and raised her hand boldly.

"I want to see him so we can get married!"

"Little girl, Victor isn't here." Andy frowned. "I think you came to the wrong place."

"Where did he go?" Elissa glanced up at her. "Is he out? Maybe I can wait for him here."

William sighed gently and lowered his head. "He doesn't work here anymore," he explained. "You can't wait for him here because he won't be coming back here again."

"H-he's not working here?" She froze momentarily. Her bright eyes had dulled almost immediately and her wide smile had faltered. Before anyone could expect it, she waved her hands up in the air as tears fell down her cheeks. "No! That can't be! You're lying!"

she sobbed out, stomping her foot onto the tiles. At the sight, the adults in the room found themselves at a loss of what to do.

"I- I'm looking for Victor. Wh-where is he?" She stared accusingly at the tall men and women in the room. "Aw, sweetheart." Jane was about to rush over and pick the girl up, but before she could, William had already bent over.

To their surprise, he slowly carried Elissa in his arms and clumsily wiped the tears on her cheeks with the back of his hand. His gaze softened.

"Don't cry..." he said in hushed whispers. "Why don't we go somewhere else to find him, is that okay with you?"

Virgil and Jane exchanged looks. They had never really seen him this gentle before. In fact, it was the first time they had ever heard him speak so softly. Who would've thought that a young girl could bring such softness out of him?

Elissa sniffled, motioning to her dress. "I am dressed so pretty today, but h-he isn't here." Her voice trembled.

"There, there..." Stroking her small head, William smiled. "You can wear even more beautiful clothes next time around, right?"

"But I... I... I just want to see him."

"How about you come back tomorrow then?" he suggested. "I'm sure he'll be here tomorrow. What do you say?"

"Really? You promise?" Finally stopping, she gazed up at the man with her watery eyes.

"Yes." The corners of his lips inched up into a small smile as he raised his hand and carefully wiped the tears from her face. There was just something about this young girl that sent a warm feeling in his chest. It was as if he already had some sort of connection to her.

Staring at him even more, she suddenly blinked. "Uncle, you're so handsome!"

"Really?" His smile widened.


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