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Love Contract novel Chapter 296

A long silence fell on the ward, and only the air-conditioning's slight rumbling could be heard. In addition to the smell of the disinfectant, a faint fragrance of flowers whiffed in the air.

The morning sunshine penetrated through the drapes, casting bright light in the room. Mary felt her eyelids warm up with the sun rays while her body seemed to be less painful than last night.

Feeling good, she tried to roll her eyes while voluntarily moving her fingers. And as her lids folded open, the dazzling sunlight tickled her tear gland, making her very uncomfortable. It was not until she raised her hand to block the sunshine that Mary realized she still had an infusion.

"Mommy, you are awake!" In the silence, a crisp voice suddenly penetrated her ears.

It was Alick's voice! There was no mistaking it.

So as soon as she heard this, Mary turned her head and saw the little boy lying on the edge of the bed, staring at her with tears in his eyes.

"Alick..." Mary called her son with a hoarse voice, raising her hand and lovingly caressing Alick's head. "Mommy, would you like some water?" the young boy asked, sniffing to hold back his tears. He didn't want to worry his mother.

Mary nodded and sat up with her son's help.

The little boy took the cup, poured water, and tested its temperature before carefully handing it to her.

The moment Mary took a gulp, a trace of coolness swept across her throat, making her drink several more mouthfuls to quench her dry throat.

"Mommy, take it easy."

"Yeah, alright, honey," Mary answered, smiling warmly at her son.

And while the two enjoyed each other's company, the door suddenly clicked open, revealing Victor walking in with Elissa in his arms. Behind him were Lucas, Archer, Ena, and the others.


"Mary, you're awake!"

"Doctor! Doctor! The patient is awake!" Ena called frantically.

Meanwhile, Elissa couldn't wait to rush over, so the little girl struggled from Victor's arms and ran towards her mother excitingly.

"Mommy," said Elissa, wrapping her little arms around Mary's thigh while sobbing. "Mommy, you finally woke up! I was so worried about you!

"Yes, honey. Mommy's awake. You're such a good girl!" Mary caressed and cupped her daughter's little face lovingly.

"Are you feeling all right?" Lucas asked and hopped over with one arm hanging at his chest. "The doctor will be here soon."

"I'm fine," Mary responded in a hoarse voice while flashing him a weak smile of reassurance. "What’s wrong with you? Are you injured?" she immediately asked with an evident hint of concern upon seeing his arm.

"It's not a big deal. I’ll recover soon enough." Lucas managed to let out a small chuckle while brushing his free hand in the air to show that it was nothing.

And while the group exchanged greetings and concerns, a doctor walked into the ward and began to examine Mary's condition thoroughly.

"The patient is very healthy now. She can be discharged from the hospital after a few days of rest and observation," the doctor concluded in a professional tone.

"That's great!"


"What a relief!" All of them heaved a sigh of relief after knowing Mary was well and stable.

"But the baby in her belly still needs to be paid more attention. She almost had a miscarriage, and it will be more dangerous if the patient will not be placed under strict care."

"What? The baby? What baby are you talking about, doctor?" startled, Mary asked while her left hand subconsciously rubbed her still flat tummy. It was an understatement to say that the news came as a shock. This was something she didn't expect to happen after all the tragedy she had been into recently. "I... I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, Mommy. You have a baby in your belly." Elissa touched Mary's tummy carefully and exclaimed, "I'm going to be a big sister!"

At the same time, even the others eyed her with so much bliss that overwhelmed Mary.

"Gosh!" Mary murmured with tears in her eyes. She had a baby again! She had a baby with William again!

As he suddenly crossed her mind, Mary quickly raised her head, and the memory from the trestle came rushing into her head like a waterfall.

Being shot, falling into the sea, exploding...

"Where’s William? Is he okay? How is he?" Mary asked everyone in the ward, eyeing them widely while firmly gripping the corner of her quilt. "I want to see him! He--" "He is fine!" Archer cut her off, obviously trying to calm her down as she was undeniably in a frenzy. "He is in the next ward. He survived. Calm down, Mary. Aisha has asked me several times to take good care of you. Please calm down!"

"That's right, Mary. The most important thing right now is to make sure you recover. I'm sure you can go and see him after the infusion is done, okay?" This time, it was Victor who jumped in to comfort her.

"Is he really okay?" Mary asked again, holding back her tears from falling. All she wanted to do right now was race to the next ward and see William personally herself.

"Yes, he is. I promise he is really okay," answered Lucas, who nodded his head while a half-smile found its way on his lips.

"But Daddy slept longer than Mommy did! When will he wake up?" Elissa asked innocently with a pout.

"How long have I been unconscious?" Mary asked after glancing at her daughter.

"Five days."

"Really? That’s long!" For Mary, it felt like the kidnapping just happened yesterday. And learning that she was in a coma for almost a weak certainly knocked her socks off.

"Grandpa and Grandma have visited you too, but they have gone home," said Alick, touching his mother's hand. "They said they would come back in the afternoon."

"Oh, is that so, honey?" Mary replied to her son. Then, shifting her gaze back to Lucas, she asked, "How about the others? Are they fine?"

"Everyone is fine. Your sister has returned to the headquarters with Jazlyn. The others are all safe. There’s nothing to worry about. At that time..."

After filling her in with what happened the other day, Mary was rendered stunned and utterly speechless. The memory of that tragic event had indeed left a significant mark on her.

And as she tried to brush off those memories in her still groggy head, the door was pushed open again. In came Timothy and Amy, who were both shocked to learn that Mary had finally woken up.

"Father! Aunt Amy!" she greeted them with a huge smile.

"Grandpa and Grandma!" Both Elissa and Alick ran and threw themselves into their arms, much to the elders' happiness.

"Good babies!" Timothy let out a chuckle while patting their heads kindly.

"My poor child!" Amy walked quickly to Mary, with tears welling up in her eyes. "You finally woke up. You scared your father and me to death!" "Aunt Amy..." Mary held her hand tightly while a couple of sobs escaped her lips. "So many things have happened. I'm sorry for making you and Father worried."


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