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Love Contract novel Chapter 297

William was given two consecutive critical condition notices within the day. The doctors and nurses attended to him around the clock, and those caring about him didn't move a step from his ward.

Outside in the corridor, Mary sat on a chair and refused to leave, no matter how much others tried to persuade her. She was adamant about staying with William. The only way she could ease her mind was if she saw him in person.

"Mary, you should eat something." The sunrise crept onto the corridor, slowly filling it up with the morning light. Amy approached Mary and said, "You've been waiting here all day, and you haven't had a bite to eat. William is much better now."

"I don't have much of an appetite." Mary shook her head and stared blankly at her, exhaustion evident on her face. 'When can I go see him?' she wondered.

"You have to force yourself to eat even if you don't have an appetite." Amy placed a food box in her hands and warned, "You're not in good condition. The baby you're carrying also needs to eat. Think of your child."

"I'm really not hungry," Mary murmured, biting her lips.

"Mary," Amy said in a soothing tone and smoothed her hair with her hand, "you need to take good care of yourself. If you don't, who will take care of William when he wakes up? You can't just sit here and wait for him. You're also making Alick and Elissa worry about you."

Mary sighed and said, "Aunt Amy, please take care of the children these next few days. I don't have the energy..."

"It's alright, I understand. You don't have to explain," Amy sighed.

As they were talking, they saw Barry coming towards them. "Mary," he called.

"You two talk. I need to check up on the children first." Amy stood up to leave.

"See you, Aunt Amy." Mary stood up to say goodbye. Her body felt stiff from staying in the same place for a long time.

Barry quickly came to her side and supported her body. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." Mary waved him off and said, "How... How's Ray doing?"

"He's fine." Barry helped Mary sit back down and said, "He should be getting discharged soon."

"I'm glad to hear that." Mary nodded. "I didn't know that you were the father of Selah's son. I can't believe that I threatened her to leave you back then."

Barry smiled bitterly, "I know that you did it for my own good."

"I should go and visit Ray some other day. I heard from Elissa that he's quite handsome." Mary smiled gently at him, "He must have inherited his looks from you, you're quite handsome yourself."

Barry smiled warmly and nodded in agreement.

"Then that means you and Selah..."

Barry frowned. He suddenly remembered what he said to Selah the other day. "I'm going to try and make things work with her," he said.

"Selah is a good woman, you should try your best to keep her," Mary agreed.

"You're right." Barry nodded, "I will do it for Ray. I didn't fulfill my duties as a father and he suffered for it. I hope I can get a chance to make it up to him in the future."

"I don't doubt that you'll be a good father," Mary said. "You're so good to Alick and Elissa, I imagine you would be better to Ray," she added.

"I hope you're right." Barry smiled then glanced at the food box in her hands. "Mary, why don't you eat something? You must be starving. Don't starve your baby," he lectured. Mary placed a hand on her belly and said, "I don't have much of an appetite. He or she would understand, right?"

"Will you be the same as you were four years ago?" Barry said in displeasure. He took the box from her hands and opened it for her. "Aunt Amy prepared something healthy and delicious for you and the baby. Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't eat it? She took the time to make it for you. Here, have a bite." Barry then ladled a bowl of porridge for her. "If you won't do it yourself, I'll have to feed you. William would get upset if he found out, then maybe, he would wake up."

Mary took the porridge from him and said, "If only that were the case." Her eyes were suddenly mournful.

"Don't you have confidence in him?" Barry asked. "He's strong physically and mentally. Why wouldn't he wake up? Besides, before everything happened, he upset you and hasn't apologized for it yet. He'll make it and do everything he planned to do. Now, eat."

"Okay." Mary nodded and took a small sip of the porridge.

"What are you planning on doing next?" Barry asked. "William... will you be able to forgive him?"

"I'm still conflicted about everything," Mary replied. "I lost faith in him, but he risked his life to save me. When I fell into the sea, I thought we were going to die together. I was relieved when that didn't happen. Do you think he still loves me?"

"If risking his life wasn't able to convince you of his feelings, what more could he do?" he replied. "He loves you, Mary. He would die to protect you."

Mary's hand paused as she was taking another bite of the porridge. "Then why did he lie to me? Why didn't he tell me about Sansa?" she challenged.

"I think he was afraid that you would leave him if you found out. He was afraid this would happen." Barry chuckled, "That's just my opinion.


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