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Love Contract novel Chapter 299

Entering the ward, Nancy was shocked to see William in a coma. "What happened?"

"I don't know where to start. Anyway, he was injured and hasn't woken up for two months." Looking at William's current state, Mary sighed helplessly and added, "Please sit down. Let's talk."

The two sat on the couch. Nancy stared at her with confused expression and asked, "Are you still with William?"

"Yes." Mary nodded.

"Aren't you worried? He is a gay, isn't he? Can he accept you?"

"At first we thought he was gay, but it turns out he isn't," Mary explained. "He... William likes women."

"What?" Nancy gasped in surprise and asked again, "You're not lying, are you?"

Mary shook her head and proceeded to tell Nancy what had happened in the past.

"If I hadn't heard it from you, I would have suspected that someone was making fun of me. " Nancy smiled in amazement. "I also think it's unbelievable."

Unable to think of a response, Nancy looked out of the window. Her expression changed all of a sudden and she asked warily, "What about him? How is he doing?"

Mary frowned in confusion. At first she did not know whom Nancy was pertaining to. It took her quite some time to realize that the "him" Nancy referred to was Frank. "William has broken up with him. Unfortunately, he had a car accident a few months ago. I don't know where he is now."

"Well, it must have been karma," Nancy casually said.

"Do you still hate him?"

"I don't hate him." Nancy snorted and continued, "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have met my current husband. I'm actually grateful for him for letting me give up all my hopes on him, so that I could finally have a new life."

"You are very happy now, Nancy. I could see it in your eyes."

"Yes, I definitely am." Nancy smiled sincerely.

"I heard that you had left Japan alone, and they tried to find you but to no avail," said Mary cautiously as she glanced at Nancy. "What happened back then? Would you mind telling me?"

Nancy shrugged. "Back then, I felt that I had no hope in life so I tried to commit suicide. Luckily, I was saved by Zion, the unlucky man."

"How was he unlucky?"

"Because the situation at that time was very crazy!" Nancy continued to tell Mary the story but felt a little annoyed when she recalled the past. "I randomly picked an office building at that time. When I finally reached the top floor and was about to jump, Zion came suddenly. He stopped me for the most ridiculous reason! He said that the office building was his. If I jumped from there, it would ruin the reputation of it and make it a haunted building, so he asked me to choose another place."

"Well, his reason was a little special, but that was how he successfully saved you." Mary sighed and continued, "Then, what happened after?"

"Yes." Nancy nodded in agreement. "He saved me and we got together eventually. Weird, right?"

Mary smiled. Although Nancy finished the story in a brief and neat way, Mary could feel her sadness and hardships. A lot of things must have happened between the two.

Nancy did not want to delve in the topic anymore, so Mary did not ask further. She thought that no matter how ugly the past was, as long as the future was great, it was all good.

"What about you?" Nancy asked suddenly. "I really can't understand why you are still with William. At that time, I thought you were so stupid that you got fooled by two gay men. But you winning William's heart really surprised me."

"I don't know why I ended up like this," Mary admitted with a chuckle.

The two ladies chatted like old friends. After a long time, they eventually caught up with each other's life for the past four years.

"Your experience in the past years really surprised me. I actually feel that I am luckier than you," Nancy remarked while raising her eyebrows.

"Well, you met a good man." Mary nodded.

"Well, you've met more than one good man," Nancy responded with a shrug. "It's a pity that you didn't choose someone else. Since you have decided to be with William, don't envy others!"

Mary could not help but laugh at Nancy's statement.

Time went by slowly, and the pitiful Zion stood by the door of the ward, waiting for Nancy for quite some time.

"It's getting late. Your husband must be feeling impatient," noted Mary.

Nancy looked out of the ward. She gazed at Zion and said in a dreamy voice, "He has always been impatient. How about we call it a day?" It was obvious she was deep in love. "Sure." Mary nodded and stood up first. "Will I see you again?"

Nancy shook her head and answered sadly, "I don't think so. I came back to A City because I had to accompany Zion for a business contract. We're living abroad now, and we don't have many reasons to come back. I'm just really happy today that I bumped into you."


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