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Love Contract novel Chapter 300

"Mary... Mary..."

When she was sleeping, Mary heard someone call her name and talk in her ear endlessly.

"You were awake when I was in coma, but now that I've finally woken up, why are you sleeping? Hmm?"

"Why is your belly so big? Is there really a baby in it? Our baby?"

"How long will you sleep? I'm tired of talking alone."

"Do you have to force me to use my trump card? Mary! If you don't wake up now, your bonus will be cut!"

'Bonus? My bonus? Cut? No way!'

Mary's hazy mind suddenly jolted awake. She quickly sat up from her bed, her eyes blank yet full of energy. "No one is allowed to touch my bonus!" she roared.

"Mary!" A surprised voice came to her ears.


She quickly turned to the direction of the voice, and saw William. His eyes were full of surprise and wonder as he stared at her without blinking.

"I didn't expect for it to still work so well," said William with a smile.

"Am... am I dreaming?" The two looked at each other for a few seconds. Dreadful, Mary grabbed William's white and blue striped hospital gown. Her eyes were red with incredulousness. "William, are you really awake? Or is this just a dream?"

"Mary..." William shook his head and felt a lump in his throat. He hugged Mary and reassured her, "It's not a dream. It's true. I'm awake. I'm fine!"

"Wah!" Mary buried her head in William's arms and cried, "I thought you would leave me alone, you bastard! I've been waiting for you for so long! Boo! Hoo!"

"Yes, it's my fault." Patting on Mary's back comfortingly, William put a happy smile on his pale face. "I made you worried. I'm sorry. I won't do it again, Mary."

"Let me look at you!" While sobbing, Mary raised her head from William's arms. She carefully touched his face, and inspected him carefully, inch by inch. "Do you feel a pain anywhere? Are you really fine? Why do you look so pale? How about I call the doctor to check you up?"

William gazed at her with tender look on his face. As he saw that Mary was really worried about his condition, all the pain in his heart instantly vanished. "My baby!" While they were talking, Mary suddenly screamed. She touched her belly instinctively in panic. "Is... is the baby still okay? My baby is still here, right?"

"Yes, the baby is fine!" William comforted her right away. He also put his big palm on her belly and reassured, "Our baby is still alive. Don't worry!"

"That's good!" Mary breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm scared. I just had a stomachache, and I suddenly lost all my strength at that—"

"I know." Before Mary could even finish her sentence, William interrupted her words.

"What? How?" Mary looked at him in confusion.

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, William explained, "I heard someone call my name in my dream. It sounded so helpless and exhausted. I wondered who it was, until I realized that it was you. I tried my best to open my eyes to help you. I knew you needed me." He paused and looked at Marry lovingly. "But when I opened my eyes, I saw Watts rushing out while carrying you.

At that time, William's fingers moved slightly, and his eyelids twitched uncontrollably. The voice beside his ears became clearer and clearer.

"William, it hurts..."

Her pleas and sound of agony made William's heart skip a beat. Slowly, he opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Mary being carried by Watts in his arms.


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