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Love Contract novel Chapter 329

Selah followed closely after him.

She was usually a straightforward person. Why did she act this way whenever she was with Barry? He made her feel weak and vulnerable. She couldn't understand it.

On the way home, Barry drove without saying a word.

Selah was uncomfortable with his silence. It was obvious that she had been the one wronged in this situation. Why was Barry angrier than she was? Why was he acting like she did something wrong to him? As he drove, she noticed that his injured hand had recovered.

Barry drove back to the villa in a rage. He couldn't understand why he was so angry. Was it because of male chauvinism? Did he mark Selah as his woman? Why did he go crazy when another man tried to harm her?

He couldn't answer any of the questions that plagued his mind, so he loosened his tie and stomped upstairs.

As soon as he opened the bedroom door, he was shocked at what he saw. He had only been away for a few days, but Selah had done a lot to the place.

There was a pot of flowers on the balcony, and a picture of Selah and Ray on the bedside table. She also decorated the sofa with two decorative cushions. The place looked more like a home than it ever had.

"Mr. Gu, I..." Selah hesitantly followed him in. When she saw Barry standing by the door in a daze, she explained.

"I... I usually... I'll clean it up right away!" "There's no need for that." Barry turned and looked at Selah with a vague look on his face. "I'll sleep in the guest room."

After taking a few steps away from her, he stopped and said, "You should go to bed early. You must have been frightened." Then he left without saying another word.


Barry walked into the next room and closed his door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Selah's heart pounded in her chest. She suddenly ran and threw herself on the large bed. She buried her head in the luxurious sheets and giggled to herself.

By the time Selah woke up the next morning, Barry had already left for work.

That evening, when Selah got back to the villa, Barry was still not home.

The same thing happened the next day.

'I guess Barry's not coming home today again!' Selah thought to herself. Barry was home less than she was, despite the villa being his.

One day, Selah dragged her exhausted body back to the villa. She assumed that no one would be there. As soon as she opened the door, a pink little thing bumped against her leg.

"Watch out!" Selah caught the girl's arm and said, "Hey! Are you okay?"

"I'm okay... Who are you?" the small girl asked in a sweet tone.

Looking at the cute girl,

Selah couldn't help but giggle at her. The girl was really cute.

"Elissa!" A boy rushed out of the room. He looked exactly like Mr. Lan from AJ Group.

"Oh, I remember you!" Selah recognized them at once. "Your mother is Manager Lu, right?"

"Our mommy's name is not Manager Lu. Her name is Mary Lu," Elissa said with a pout.

"You're so adorable!" Selah was charmed by her and pinched her chubby cheek.

"Do you live here? When will Daddy Barry come back?" Alick questioned.

Tm not sure. Will he come back?" Selah asked.

"Yes. Mommy told us he will," Elissa confirmed.

"I see," Selah said with a hint of expectation in her voice.

"But Alick, I'm so hungry. When will Daddy Barry come back?" Elissa whined.

"Are you hungry?" The more Selah looked at the little girl, the more she grew fond of her. She took Elissa's hand in hers and said, "I... will cook for you. Is that okay?"

"Wow! That's awesome!"

When Barry returned home, he walked in the door and saw a warm scene unfolding in front of him.

Selah walked out of the kitchen with a steaming bowl of noodles in her hands. Alick sat on the carpet and waited patiently for his food. Elissa sniffed as she trailed after Selah, and said with a smile, "It smells so good!" "What smells so good?" Barry stepped inside the villa and asked in a low voice.

"Daddy Barry!"

The two children ran over to him at once and clamored for a hug.

"My dearest babies!" Barry smiled and picked both of them up. He walked them over to Selah. "We haven't seen each other for a long time. Did you miss Daddy Barry?"

"Yes, I do!"

"I miss you so much!" Barry kissed the tops of their heads and placed them down on the sofa.

Selah's heart warmed as she watched Barry dote on the children.

Barry looked at Selah and asked, "Did you cook dinner?"

"They said they were hungry so... I made some noodles," Selah answered and bit her lips.

"The noodles cooked by this big sister smell so good!" Elissa said.

"Big sister?" Barry looked at Selah and raised an eyebrow at her. With short hair, she looked like a college student who was simple and pure.

Selah lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Call her Auntie or Aunt Selah in the future, alright?" Barry said as he touched Elissa's nose.


"Because..." Barry pressed his lips together. "Because she has a baby, and her baby is older than Elissa!"

"Really?" Alick looked at Selah with newfound curiosity.


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