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Love You No More novel Chapter 1

"Xiuying, are you sure you don't want to divorce him?" Hou Chen asked. She was aware that her best friend's husband was cheating on her. She'd been telling Xiuying to leave Mu Jianyu to save herself from further pain.

Li Xiuying didn't deserve to be treated like this. No woman should suffer and to be betrayed like this. Yet, after years of their marriage, Mu Jianyu had forgotten his marriage vows to Li Xiuying, the woman who accepted him and gave him a chance to lift up his status in the industry.-

While it's true that Li Xiuying and Li Chuntao were only part of the branch family of the Li family, people still held high regards to the twins within the city. By marrying Li Xiuying, Mu Jianyu elevated his social status within his circle of friends. His popularity and net worth surged into a higher level all because he was Li Xiuying's husband.

"I can't," Li Xiuying replied. It took a lot of courage to pull herself and keep her sanity as her husband walked away from her life.

Wasn't there any way to save this marriage? Would she have to raise their child alone after this?

"You don't deserve this. It wasn't your fault that he chose that woman. You've done nothing wrong here!" Hou Chen was burning red from anger. She was there beside Li Xiuying ever since they found out about Mu Jianyu's affair to that gold digger woman. Everyone knew within the model industry that Lin Meirong was a notorious homewrecker that leech on rich businessmen. Hou Chen still couldn't believe that Mu Jianyu had abandoned his wife for that kind of woman.

Li Xiuying didn't know what should she do. Apart of her was tempted to leave him alone and give him the happiness he claimed he could have with his other woman while her selfish side was begging her not to succ.u.mb and fight for what rightfully hers.

Her tears started to fall from her eyes. She felt empty yet she could feel she was breaking inside. Whatever happened to his promise he made that day? What happened to 'till death do us part' and 'in sickness and in health, I will be with you'. It seemed that everything he promised to her years ago had been forgotten. The man she deeply loved turned into a stranger she couldn't understand.

Maybe her pregnancy was affecting her thoughts that she kept repeating what he'd said before he left her.

'I want us to divorce.'

'I'm not happy anymore.'

Volume 1 Chapter 3 She Knew Everything 1

Volume 1 Chapter 3 She Knew Everything 2


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