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Mated To Luna novel Chapter 8

Deluna Hansen.

The bright sun rays are the first thing that greets me the moment I blink my lids open. I groan and roll over to the other side of the surface with little light, with my eyes still closed.

"Awake?" His husky voice turns out to be the first melody I'll listen to in the day and it only brings me memory of our hot lovemaking last night... Lovemaking?! Oh now, that's the wrong word but I definitely don't know what to call it. There was foreplay! My wolf starts to chuff for the fact that it had an intense contact with its mate. Well, I haven't mark him yet but lastnight was surely enough to bribe that from it for the while.

"Morning," he greets me as I sit up, grabbing the duvet as a cover for my naked chest, "how are you?" Worries? He isn't kidding me right now, is he?! I'm Alpha... Why should he expect me to feel pain after fucking the whole night? And to say, that wasn't even my first time.

"Pleased!" I say, determined not to be rude, and I put on a sunshine smile, "And I'm more than willing for more!" He chortles and for the first time, I notice a hole boring into his right cheek... Dimple! Wow, cute! Still not letting go of the thick material, I stand up from the bed, ready to go to the bathroom for a morning bath. But before I leave, I turn to him to give him a probably surprising complement, "Sei carino." He freezes at that, more than shocked that I'd ever leave him a nice word and that only encourages me to do more, "And I wasn't joking!" I tell.

After having myself cleansed and refreshed, I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me. I pick a rather simple wear for the day _ a flimsy peach toned gown and clogs. I wrap my hair in a ponytail and walk out of the room. I climb down the stairs as I approach the living room. I hadn't seen Summer since I left the house last night until now, and the pretty blonde wouldn't stop smiling at me.

"Good morning, Luna." She greets in Italy, not bothering to hide the fact that she looks excited on seeing me. And that can only makes me curious and suspicious, we aren't that really close for her to start giving me such smiles in the morning. But she's sweet. I can tell of it that she's by far the sweetest kid I've been with.

"Do you need anything else?" But those smiles tells of something else, like she wants to let out something. So to help her cut off the pretense act and say whatever she wants to say, I approach her and sit beside her, "You can just be straight." I inform her and she grins, adjusting herself to look at me, making her hair that's in pigtails bounce. "Aunty, Belvedere told me you guys aren't just friends and that you would be leaving here to a private place prepared for just the both of you. That means you won't be here anymore and I won't be able to see you but now that I confirmed you're together, can I get a romantic picture of the both of you? Please, aunty, don't say no." Now that sounds crazy! But a challenge I'll love to accept, creating a romantic pose with my mate. Quite fun. I smile and tap the little girl's shoulder rather tenderly, "if you be so smart, then getting a good snap shouldn't be a problem, darling." But everything's not fine, I'm surely scolding my mate for saying things behind my back. I mean who does that?! And planning on taking us somewhere without letting me know?

"Where's him?" I ask before another word comes out of her mouth.

"Having morning coffee with Elio in the bar, you should grab breakfast from the kitchen too." She says and I nod before standing up. I stride to the kitchen and walk in. I find Elio and my black eyed, hot human mate seated on the stools and filling their stomachs with some red wine. Summer didn't name that morning coffee, did she? Hmm.

" Good morning, Elio."I greet as I walk over to the counter where Mary leans on with headphones on, intentionally making my presence known. " Good morning."he gives me his usual boring reply. Elio never stopped hating me out of blue but the good thing is I barely give a fuck. I only greeted him to grab the attention of my mate, not to get his fucking sick reply. " My night was good."I tell him, pretending to have woken up on the good side of the bed. Trust me, I would never be nice out of blue to someone who's been a bitch to me.

I tap Mary on the arm, making her halt from giggling as she averts her gaze to me. On seeing it's me, she takes off her headphone and wears a smile, "Your breakfast is just in the sink, you don't have to ask me for that. And good morning, I know you had the best night." At least, she isn't a bitch. I manage to give a smile as I turn to grab my food. But just as I turn around, I catch him watching me. Good! And I intentionally whip my hair to the right, showing off my bare back, letting him know I'm wearing no underwear except the panties. I grab my meal and a bottle of water from the fridge. I only vacate the room after sending him a wink and licking my bottom lip with his gaze on it. It felt good to torture and tease him but the truth also was that I was beginning to feel wet with his look turning lustful and wanting already. My wolf purs and chuffs the moment I leave the room. I set my meal before me and sit on a chair. I open the meal and not only the great smell of the American breakfast burrito greets me, but I also perceive that strange smell. Strange? Absolutely not! It is clear_ the food is being poisoned for me, and by no one else but Elio... Wolfsbane! Monkshood!

[Sei carino- you're cute]


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