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My Alpha's Fairytale novel Chapter 6

Logan's POV

Ding dong

Ding dong

The sound of the clock echoed through the whole area, signaling the end of this year and the beginning of a new one.

All around the world people would be celebrating right now. Starting the new year with family, friends and loved ones. But not me.

All that occupied me right now was the barely alive body in my hands. My mate's body.

"Call you're pack doctor. Hurry up!" I yelled at Alpha Drake. I know I wasn't supposed to, he's an alpha after all, but what was I supposed to do? My mate was dying right in front of me.

"Why are you standing there? Please go call him." I pleaded this time. He looked hesitant, like he didn't care at all. Just what exactly is going on? Why wouldn't he worry about her? Isn't she one of his pack members?

"Please" I begged again but he still wouldn't move. Now I'm angry. "MOVE YOU'RE ASS AND CALL THE PACK DOCTOR RIGHT NOW!! WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?!" I yelled using my alpha tone and looking at his face he was mad too since he's an alpha as well.

"Don't you dare order me in my territory. And why the hell should I call for my pack doctor? I don't give a shit about that pathetic creature, she can die for all I care!" My mom gasped.

That did it. I carefully placed my mate on my mother's lap who was now crouched next to me and with the little control I had against my wolf, I stood up, went towards him and with no second thought, punched him. Hard.

No longer after, I let my wolf take over. And ofcourse, that good for nothing alpha shifted as well. His wolf was big but not as big as mine. He was light brown in color with black fur covering his ears, paws and end of tail.

He growled loudly and in return I growled back even louder as I launched at him, but he dodged my attack and then tried reaching for my neck. I quickly turned my body so he only bit my back. I yelped from the pain but his attack only made me more angry. Is it possible that he was the one who put my mate in this state? Was he the one who hurt her? The idea of someone hurting my mate made my blood boil. How dare they?

We stood there face to face. I growled even louder this time and attacked again. This time he wasn't fast enough and both our bodies collided. From the power of the collision, both our bodies flew across the room and crashed into the window. This made us fly out of it with the shattered glass surrounding us.

We both fell on the ground with a thud. I hissed in pain as some glass pierced through my back and I could hear alpha Drake grunting in pain too. We didn't linger too much on the ground and rose to our feet. I was going to kill him for hurting my mate. Mine.

I could see that both pack members were now surrounding us, watching the fight. And it was more likely now, that a war will rise between the two packs.

This time, alpha Drake attacked first and again, aimed for my jugular. I moved my body swiftly to the side, which opened a chance for me to grab on of his back limps between my teeth and pulling,making him fall face flat on the ground. I jumped on his back and pinned both his front paws with mine and locked his neck with my teeth.

I was going to go for the kill and get it over with when I heard my mother calling out for me.

"Logan, you're mate needs you. You have to come up here."8

I tightened my hold on alpha Drake, leaned down to his ear and whispered coldly, "This is not over!" And with that I ran towards the pack house and up to my mate's 'room' where she still lying there between my mother's arms.

"Put her on my back, I'll run to our territory. That way we would reach faster than by car." I told my mom through our mind link. She nodded and with the help of my father, placed her carefully on my back.

"Jake. Call Dr.Mitchelle and ask him to be ready in his office." Thankfully, our pack doctor, Dr.Mitchelle didn't come with us to this party. His wife just gave birth and he wanted to celebrate the new year with his wife and son.

"Yes alpha." Came the reply from my beta.

I wasted no time and started running out of the pack house. I noticed my parents had shifted and we're now running next to me, and Jake behind me, to make sure that my mate remained on my back and did not fall.

It took us about an hour or so to reach the pack house and with every move I make I could her my mate groan in pain. It broke my heart every time, but in had to be quick in order to save her.

I kicked the house door open and called Dr.Mitchelle through our mind link.

"Over here." I heard him saying from the pack clinic. When I reached there I saw that he was standing next to the bed, preparing some tools and setting a blood bag above it.

My parents and Jake came in in their human forms. My dad and Jake had each each a pair of shorts on and my mother was in a long shirt that reached her mid thigh.

Together, they carefully carried my mate from my back and placed her on the bed.

"What the hell happened to her?" I heard Dr.Mitchelle say as he looked at my mate's body. Her skin was so pale, and scars covered her from head to toe. Her finger nails were turning purple and she felt so cold. Her lips were also discolored and we're cracked open. It was hard to look at her without wanting to kill someone. Why would anyone hurt her? Where were her parents? Did they know about this?

Dr.Mitchelle started working on her. Her removed all her 'clothes', if you could call them that, and I had to suppress the growl that was about to escape my throat at the idea that someone other than me was looking at my mate's body.

My father and Jake had the courtesy to leave the room, but my mom stayed behind.

"You should go shift and come stay by her side. She'll need your support to get through this." I heard her say.

I hesitated. I looked at my mate's body, then to Dr.Mitchelle, then to her body again. I didn't want to leave her, not for a second.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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