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My Alpha's Fairytale novel Chapter 9

I heard him growl and it only scared me more, making my sobs grow louder.

"Baby, I would never hurt you. You're my mate. I'll always love you and protect you. Don't leave me, please.” He said, whispering the last word, sounding desperate.

Mate? No, I had no mate. I was a worthless human, I don't have a mate.

This was one of their tricks. Saying that he's my mate so that I would reach for him, only to be hurt again and again and again.

I felt his grip loosen and I took this chance, scooting away and turning to look at my capturer. He was gorgeous, with black hair falling, covering his forehead at one side, and the most beautiful grey-green eyes I've ever seen with teal specks here and there. His face was perfectly sculptured and his 8 pack was evident from his shirt.

He looked pained and worried. I couldn't help but look at him in confusion. He slowly, tried to come closer but I just moved away again, tears still running down my face. He stopped moving but never broke eye contact.

I heard him say slowly, the way you talk to a kid, "Babygirl, it's okay. I won't hurt you I promise. You're my mate, how can I hurt you?" He asked in a disbelieving way.

"Liar." Was the the only thing I said, or actually whispered but ofcourse, him being a werewolf he heard me.

"Why would you say that?" He asked, pain evident in his voice.

I pulled my knees to my chest and started, "I have no mate. They all told me that because I'm a worthless human I will never have a mate."

Just then I heard him growl and his eyes turned black. Oh shit, I think I'm in trouble. I'll just get beaten right here and now for babbling nonsense. I quickly hid my face and prepared myself for the blows, but nothing came. I didn't feel any pain. I raised my head and looked up to him to see him looking at me, his eyes sad and regretful.

"I'm so sorry babygirl, I never meant to scare you."

Is he serious? Did he actually care? I couldn't stop the questions that floated through my mind.

I was about to say something when I heard footsteps and saw about 4 or 5 people making their way towards us. I panicked again and I couldn't help the scared expression I had on my face.

He must've noticed how scared I was as he quickly turned his body towards them and growled loudly making them stop in their tracks. He moved his body in a way where my own was hid behind him, shielded from them, but that still didn't help as black dots blurred my vision and was soon pulled to darkness.

I was so angry! After 1 whole week my mate finally woke up only to lose conscious again! The people in my pack knew that she obviously had a past and that we were supposed to take it slow with her. Still, my mom, the twins, Jake and Alexis rushed towards us making her panicking and yet again lose conscious.

"I told you guys to be careful and not overwhelm her." I said as I threw my hands in the air frustrated.

"We're sorry sweetie, we were just worried." My mom said.

All 5 of them were seated in the living room with me pacing back and force. They were all shifting uncomfortably in their seats from my ranting.

"I know mom, but now..now she'll just be more scared and not cower back from us, from me, her mate." I all but yelled. I heard her sight.

"It's okay Logan, just take it easy with her next time she wakes up and it'll be fine." Alexis said.

"Yeah cos, it'll be fine." I heard the twins say in union.

Now it was my turn to sight. "I'm just gonna go stay with her."

I was about to make my way to my room when a soul shattering scream filled the place. My wolf and I were immediately on high alert and all I thought about was my mate.

I ran upstairs and into my room with my mom and the rest in tow.

My mate was lying in bed, squirming in pain. Her body was being twisted in a weird way and it seemed like her back burned and couldn't touch the bed.

Panicked filled my body and I rushed to her side. "Jake, call Dr.Mitchelle, tell him to leave whatever he's doing and to come here now!" Jake nodded and proceeded to call our pack doctor.

Another scream filled the room and tears started flowing from my mate's eyes. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to take all her pain away but I didn't know how. I felt helpless and her screams and grunts were literally breaking my heart.

I held her hand and started murmuring soothing words in her ear.

"Do you think maybe she's shifting?" I heard my mother ask, but I never bothered answering.

My mate scream again. Where the hell is Dr.Mitchelle?

As if on cue, I saw him run towards us and immediately went to my mate's side.

"Her temperature is high." He said as he placed his hand on her forehead. I couldn't stop myself from reaching out and touching it myself. Shit, she was boiling hot!

"Please doctor; do something." I begged as another scream left my mate's mouth. He nodded and began fumbling inside his bag.

"I'm going to give her a sedative. I don't know what is going on, but I don't think she's shifting. I can't hear any bone breaking." Dr.Mitchelle said as he prepared a syringe, filling it with whatever medicine he's going to use.

He held one of my mates hands and I was hardly able to stop the growl that was about to escape my throat. I hated the fact that someone is touching my mate, but I'll have to hold back this time.

Once he inserted the needle and injected the medicine into my mate's body, he started to relax and feel more at ease.

Dr.Mitchelle gathered his stuff and left her side.

"Logan what is that?" I heard Alexis ask from behind me.

Chapter 9 1


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