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My Alpha's Fairytale novel Chapter 8

Logan's POV

"She's gone Logan. Your mate, she's gone."

My mother's words kept repeating themselves in my mind as I practically ran towards my room, taking three steps at a time. She's gone? How can she be gone? We didnt see anyone leave through the front door and noone smelled any unfamiliar scent. This is all my fault. I wasn't supposed to leave her.

I opened my room's door to only stop dead in my tracks.

There, the place where my mate should be, was empty. She wasn't there. I was going to break down.

I felt my mum's hand on my shoulder, which made me turn around and face her.

"How did this happen? Weren't you with her? Didn't I tell you to look after her for me mom?" I yelled, anger lacing my every word.

"I-I'm sorry. I just went to the bath-bathroom and when I c-came out sh-she wasn't there." My mom stuttered between sobs. My eyes softened and I felt bad for yelling at her. This wasn't her fault. It was all mine.

I pulled her to me. "I'm sorry mom. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm just worried."

I gave her a quick kiss on the head then turned to my bed. I realised that the window was opened as I felt a gust of wind hit my face. I quickly ran towards it and looked at the garden, and there she was, my mate. She was trying to run, but due to her injuries she wasn't fast enough. Shit. I had to get her.

Her POV (Logan's mate, since she still has no name)

Pain. All I can feel right now was pain and I couldn't help but wonder, am I dead?

I felt myself lying on something soft and warm. I tried moving my arm but it was so heavy. There was something wrapped around it. I could fell it.

I tried opening my eyes but my eyelids were too heavy, still, I faught against them until they fully opened. It took some time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

Where am I?

Chapter 8 1


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