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My Bully Buddy novel Chapter 1

"Alison, wake up, Alison, Alison! "

"Stop, you're awake," I said resignedly, and I looked at him and saw him smiling triumphantly

I grabbed him and put him on the bed and started tickling him. The sound of his laughter filled my room as he tried to ask me to stop.

"Now you will learn not to wake me up again." I told him, laughing too

"I... I give up..." he said with difficulty between his laughter

" Okay, now tell me who I am." I stopped tickling him and waited for his answer

"Alison," he replied

Wrong answer attacked him again

"You two stop playing and go downstairs, the food is ready," said Zack's mother Megan as she entered the room and looked at us.

I took a shower, got dressed, which was a gym outfit, and went downstairs to the dining table

"Good morning," I said

"Good morning," my brother Austin answered and looked at me, or rather at my clothes

"Alison again??? You know today is a day off," he told me

"I don't have a day off," I replied, sitting next to him and Zack

"Okay, do whatever you want." He sighed as he continued eating his food

"How do you say you and I go shopping today?" Megan asked me trying to calm the electrifying atmosphere between us

"Sorry Megan, you know I don't like shopping that much." I apologized to her before kissing Zack's cheek and standing up.

" I am going now "

"Can you at least come back early?"  Austin said to look at him

"I'll try my brother," I replied and headed outside

My name is Allison, I am 20 years old. My family members are my brother Austin and his girlfriend Megan and their son Zack. My brother is the alpha of the White Crescent flock. My father was the alpha but when he and my mother died, my brother took his position.

We as werewolves live in the world with humans, but we live in a herd and a community of our own.

There are many supernatural creatures that live in this world without the knowledge of humans, such as werewolves, vampires, witches and others, and there is a council that facilitates the involvement of these creatures in life like ordinary humans.

There are many werewolf herds, and all of them have their own space and the number of their members who belong to them. To conduct operations, the herds or those responsible for them, i.e. the alpha, create projects in the human world so that werewolves can work there and earn their living, but their home always remains in their herd and they follow the orders of the alpha.

Each herd has its own area and boundaries, and if a werewolf crosses the boundaries of a herd that is not his herd without permission, then he is among the dead, especially rogues. I hate them very much.

"Good morning, Mr. Willen. Isn't today a holiday?"  I asked the person responsible for the security of the training room

"I know I just came to give you the keys, so the alpha told me you were coming." He answered me as he gave me the keys I smiled softly at my brother thinking of me.

"Thank you and I apologize for that."

"It's okay, no problem, I'll go now," he replied, disappearing, and I opened the room in the center.

In every herd there are major things, i.e. you find them in any herd

The first: the herd house, which includes the members of the herd. It is large and consists of rooms, a kitchen, and many facilities such as a library... Sometimes individuals prefer to build houses independent of the herd's house, and the officials agree, provided that the house is on the land of the herd.


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