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My Bully Buddy novel Chapter 5

I decided to take a walk, put on my sports jacket, and I loosened my brown hair, which was in a ponytail, and set it, I made my way behind the herd house, from there I would go out into the woods, maybe let my wolf run a little.

Allison's POV

"Boys, what are you doing?" I told them to look at me

"What is your income?" Someone answered me

"If you do not want the same thing to happen to you like her, then I advise you to go, as I see that you are too young to defend anyone but yourself."

"I thought bullying omega was extinct a long time ago but it seems I was wrong," I told them

"What is wrong with the members of this herd with my size and also for your information, I am a new trainer here" I said while I was disturbed by this fact that they all underestimate me

"We don't care, just finish what you're going to do," he told me and went back to the girl who was trembling with fear. He raised his hand ready to punch her. I ran to stand between them and he stopped his punch in the middle of the road.

"Do you really want to get hit?"

"Just let me know why why are you bullying her?" I asked them

"She is Omega and she should listen to our requests, but she continues to err and does not do the things we ask of her." He answered me to feel my anger burning more

"She's an omega because she's weak physically, but that doesn't give you the right to bully her because even if she's not physically strong, she's much stronger than you in that empty mind of yours and also does the alpha know about this?"

"Why are you sticking your nose into anything, are you really not afraid of us?" Get too close to me, trying to scare me

"Do you know what I'm afraid of now?? Who is this girl because her silence now is the most powerful weapon and I advise you to be afraid of that too" I told him

"What's wrong? Since you want to get hit, I'll give it to you." He raised his hand and grabbed the collar of my jacket to steady me.

"I'll give you three seconds to back off" I replied to him laughing as if I told him a joke

"One... Two... Three." I counted him to hit his face with my head, which made his nose bleed and fall to the ground

He attacked the other with a punch to catch her and I rotated his arm and made him hurt asking to leave him, but I didn't let him go. He proved it through her and started screaming in pain

"What's wrong, does this hurt?" I asked him

"Yes, it hurts. Please, it hurts." He shouted at her

"So you know how to suffer, but why would you hit her for what???" I tightened my fist

"I won't do it again, please, it hurts." He let go of his hand and the two of them came forward and helped him stand before they went I turned to the girl who was still on the ground and bent down to her level.

" Are you well ?"

"Yes, thank you, thank you." She spoke with difficulty, still crying

"It's okay, it's over, does this happen often?" I asked her

"It's the second time."

"Really? What do they want?"

"They wanted me to steal something for them, but I refused the first time, which made them angry and beat me, and this time they also want the same thing, so they beat me."

"Bastards, so what do you think about filing a complaint with the Beta or the Alpha? Bullying is unacceptable in the herd."

"No. Please don't make me meet alpha or beta please, I don't want to see them."

" Why ??"

"They are very strong. I don't want to stand in front of them. Please don't. Don't tell them."

"Okay, I won't tell them. Calm down, can you get up?"

"Yes, I can, thank you." I stood up before I asked anything about her. She was running back to the herd's house. I looked at the forest and reversed my decision. I will release my wolf later. I will discover the herd a little.

I kept looking around and the number of townhouses were beautiful before I felt my phone ring and I opened the line to find that Andrew was calling for me to come to the station and he signaled his place.

Chapter 5 1


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