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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 116

The woman's hoarse, trembling voice echoed in Rachel's ears. She sounded like she was on the verge of breaking down.

The man stepped back in frustration, lowered his head, and remained silent, while Sheila stepped closer to her mother, looking deathly pale.

Rachel was at a loss for what to do next.

Fortunately, her leader had entered the room just in time to hear those hysterical questions from the woman, which had clearly revealed that the reason for the dispute was personal affairs and money.

Since it was not a medical dispute, it could be solved easily.

Rachel's leader winked at her, hinting that she was free to go.

Understanding his gesture at once, Rachel prepared to leave the room.

However, she had barely taken a step forward when Sheila nervously pulled at her sleeve.

Rachel glanced sideways at Sheila, who was staring at the woman with fear.

Swallowing hard, Sheila leaned over to Rachel and whispered in her ear, "Doctor, I think this woman has mental problems..."

Her voice was shaky with panic. As she spoke, she stole a glimpse at the woman, who made eye ■d

contact with her, causing her to tremble in fear.

Rachel pursed her lips in confusion. Who was wrong in this situation?

Anyway, it was clear that there were a lot of unstable emotions and unresolved problems in the room.

Rachel patted Sheila's hand and whispered in a comforting voice, "She's just a little emotional. I'll call security. Meanwhile, you should have a good talk with her."

Upon hearing that security guards would be here soon, Sheila finally relaxed and loosened her grip on Rachel's sleeve.

Rachel nodded to her leader and then walked to the door.

As she exited the room, she brushed past a director of the hospital, who was so anxious that he didn't even bother to greet Rachel before slamming the door close behind him.

Anyway, Rachel felt that this was a complicated situation.

That woman might be mad in everyone's eyes, but if what she had said was true, then there was nothing wrong with her behavior.

Of course, she wouldn't be able to stand what was happening. For a mother, nothing was more important than the life of her own child.

Moreover, the matter became even more complex when considering the identity of the person that the man had spent the money on.

First love? ■d

In the end, Rachel decided to stop thinking about this matter and just put it out of her mind. After all, she didn't know much of the details, so what she was doing was no better than idle gossip.

Besides, there was always something or other happening at the hospital. It was possible that such disputes happened frequently and that she just hadn't come across any of them before because they were kept under wraps.

The only reason she had personally come to see what was happening this time was because it involved the patient she had rescued. Fortunately, the matter was not a medical dispute, so she put it behind her for the time being and went about her business.

Rachel had been waiting for Jack for more than an hour when he finally arrived at the hospital well after 7 p.m.

Just as she looked at her watch and hesitated over whether to call him,

she saw him get out of his car and walk toward her.

Mendes, who was standing next to her, shyly hid behind her once he saw Jack. However, as soon as Jack came up to them, he squatted down in front of Mendes.

It was all because of Mendes that he had to run back and forth in such a hurry, so he reached out to flick Mendes' forehead.

Of course, it was also because of this boy that he had an excuse to see Rachel again.

Mendes closed his eyes and cried out before ■d

Jack's finger even touched his forehead.

When it finally did, he realized that Jack hadn't put any strength into it at all. Then, he touched his forehead and giggled.

"It didn't hurt."

"Do you want me to flick your forehead again? Let's see if it hurts this time," Jack said in a mock-menacing tone.

"No way!" Mendes giggled and hid behind Rachel.

Rachel watched the exchange between Jack and Mendes quietly,

half- surprised and half- annoyed to find that they had become closer than before.

"Let's go," Jack said, straightening up and looking at Rachel.

Although there was barely any traffic, it would still take them an hour to get Jonathan's place.

Jack looked at his watch and found that it was already quite late.

As if on cue, his stomach let out a low growl. He cleared his throat in embarrassment, but fortunately, the noise from his stomach had been so soft that Rachel and Mendes hadn't heard it.

"Have you had dinner yet?" he asked calmly.

"Yes, we have," Rachel said, but then she squinted at him as if realizing something. As if he hadn't noticed her expression, Jack covered his mouth with his fist and coughed softly.

"I'll take him back then," he said. ■d


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