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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 125

The hospital was in uproar again.

Rachel also knew that Kevin had been taken away. She couldn't stop thinking about the strange look on his face, and the way he said that it was just an accident.

She had her suspicions, but she wasn't sure whether Kevin had anything to do with it until she heard that he had been taken away to the police station.

Rachel didn't know that Sheila was involved. She was shocked when she heard that Kevin had been arrested.

'Murder? What the hell is going on?'

Everyone in the hospital was talking about the news that Kevin had been arrested.

It was rumored that Kevin was under suspicion of attempted murder.

Could the elegant Kevin possibly be a murderer? Nobody could believe it, but none of them knew the truth.

Maybe there would be more news the next day.

They all just sighed. It looked like Kevin was really out of luck.

'Out of luck?' Rachel shrugged, not feeling inclined to say what she was thinking. She knew that there was a reason for what had happened to him. ■d

She didn't really care what happened to Kevin, but she couldn't really keep herself out of the whole affair.

Not long afterward, Rachel received another call from Sheila. She asked her again coldly, "Dr. Rachel, do you still refuse to tell me the truth?"

Rachel was astonished by the question. 'Truth? What truth?'

"I have told you everything I know." She had nothing else to say.

To her surprise, Sheila's next words were, "Just wait and see."

It sounded like a threat, but Sheila hung up the phone before Rachel could respond.

Half an hour later, the meaning of Sheila's words became clear to Rachel.

It had been three hours since Kevin was arrested. Everyone felt it was the most exciting event that had ever happened in the hospital.

Then the police came back to the hospital. At that moment, Rachel was off duty.

This time, they went directly upstairs. This was puzzling to everyone.

At that moment, the executive was still thinking about the troubling matter of Kevin, when they called him again anxiously, "Executive Fang, there's more trouble! Come down! The police have come back. They're taking Rachel away this time!"


Many doctors, nurses, and patients had ■d

gathered at the door of Rachel's office. They were more astonished than ever before to see that she was being taken away.

What could be the meaning of this? It seemed like these cops were arresting people randomly for no imaginable reason.

Rachel was much calmer than Kevin had been. She kept a poker face when she looked at the three cops, and smiled slightly. "Sorry, I must know the reason before I go with you."

Someone in the crowd began to whisper, "Why did they come here twice? Are these cops fake?"

Everyone was on the alert after they heard that.

Rachel looked more closely at the uniforms of the police officers. She saw that the uniforms had ID numbers on them, but she was still unsure if these cops were authentic.

The people in the crowd started murmuring suspiciously. Some of them were Rachel's patients, and naturally wanted to stand on her side.

With the mood turning against them, the three policemen looked sullen. They never expected to meet this resistance this time. The director of Rachel's department rushed through the crowd, and said, "Would you please give me the reason for this? And may I please see your police certificates?"

Their leader replied with a straight face, "She is suspected of involvement in a murder. We are taking her in for interrogation, according to proper procedure."

That statement caused another uproar among the onlookers. ■d

Not long before, Kevin had been arrested on suspicion of murder as well.

If Rachel and Kevin were both suspected of murder in the same case, why did the police not take them away at the same time?

Rachel stood there calmly, with her hands in her pockets. She said, "Please explain this to me. Who am I suspected of killing?"

The leader of the three policemen looked sternly at her and said, "This is no time for excuses or complaints. You can speak about this in detail when you arrive at the police station."

She sneered at them, saying, "If the evidence is so certain, let the victim's family testify against me.

I don't even know who was murdered."

"Rachel Shen, if you don't cooperate with us, we'll have to take you away against your will."

"Huh!" At that moment, another person broke through the crowd. "Arresting people without evidence? How dare you!"

Rachel's heart skipped a beat when she saw who was coming.

Dressed casually in a light-colored polo shirt, Jack was walking slowly through the crowd with Mendes.

Because of his powerful aura, the crowd made way for him as he passed through.

Walking over in a leisurely manner, with Mendes in his hand, he looked the policemen coldly in the eye.

Eventually he reached Rachel and stood by her side.



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