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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 143

Jonathan glared at Jack. "He wouldn't dare!"

Jack gritted his teeth in an effort to control himself. He couldn't stand it anymore. He felt like if he stayed here any longer, his father would just make all his decisions for him.

Without saying anything, he abruptly got up and walked out of the room. After a moment of hesitation, Rachel followed him out as well.

As they left, Jonathan and Eric, who were having a pleasant conversation in the ward, turned and looked at the door at the same time.

Then, they turned back to each other with tacit smiles in their eyes.

It was only when Jack reached the balcony that he realized that Rachel was following him.

He put away the pack of cigarettes in his hand and asked indifferently, "Why are you leaving the ward too?"

Rachel smiled thinly. "To let them talk."

Then, after a pause, she added, "Actually, I came out to say thank you."

There was a flicker of emotion in Jack's deep eyes before they became unreadable once again. He put his hand on the balcony railing and lightly tapped on its edge with his slender fingers.

"For what?"

Rachel nodded her head and said earnestly, "Thank you so much for your help in the past few days."

Upon hearing this, Jack smiled bitterly and stepped closer to Rachel, towering threateningly over her.

Rachel couldn't help but nervously take a step back, cornering herself against the balcony railing.

Just as she prepared to push Jack away, however, he stopped in his tracks.

Then, pursing his lips, he said in a low voice, "Do you think I did all those things just to hear a thank you from you?"

Hearing a hint of turbulence in his voice, Rachel held her breath.

Her intuition told her that if she answered yes, he would be furious.

"No. It's not like that..."

"Then why do you think I did those things?" This time, he moved closer to her until his face was almost touching hers.

As Rachel looked into his mysterious eyes, her heart skipped a beat. She had nowhere to retreat, but she didn't dare to push him away. In the end, she leaned against the railing and turned her head to the side so that she wouldn't have to look into his eyes.

Unable to answer his question, she tightened her lips. Fortunately, the light was too dim for Jack to see the awkward expression on her face.

Still, he wasn't going to let her go until he got

an answer out of her.

Although there was a light breeze blowing on the balcony, it couldn't do anything to quell the heat between them.

As Jack continued to stare at Rachel for an answer, he became distracted by how beautiful her face looked in such close proximity.

He started to play with her long hair leisurely, rolling her locks around his fingers. Her jet black hair was as smooth as silk to the touch.

Rachel parted her lips involuntarily, feeling breathless all of a sudden. Finally, she mustered up her strength to ask, "Jack, can you please step away?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Jack asked, feigning innocence.

Rachel stood still for a moment, feeling dumbfounded. Then, coming to her senses, she put her hands on his chest and gave him a big push.

Unexpectedly, Jack didn't budge even a little bit. Finally, taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she asked, "Can we just speak normally? What if Dad comes out and sees us like this?"

Jack snorted faintly and muttered, "He will be happy if he sees this."

His voice was so soft that Rachel didn't catch his words even from such a close distance.

She looked up at him and asked blankly, "What?" "Nothing," Jack replied lightly,

finally stepping back to give her some space. "Rachel..."


"Do you also think that I am too idle these days?"

Rachel was taken aback by this question.

Before she could find the words to answer him, Jack continued, "Rachel, I really want to start over with you. And I'll prove myself with my actions.

I'll never make the same mistakes I did in the past again. I just hope you don't reject me. Can you..."

'...give me a chance to make it up to you?'

He couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence out loud because he knew that "make it up to you" were not the appropriate words for what he wanted to convey.

What he hoped was that they could start afresh, as if they were meeting each other for the first time.

It would be unfair to Rachel to say that he was doing all these things just to make it up to her.

Both of them knew that she didn't need him to do such a thing.

As for Rachel, even though Jack didn't finish his sentence out loud, she knew what he had meant to say.


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