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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 147

After contemplating for a long time, Eric decided that if Rachel had really fallen in love with Jack, what he might say would be a burden to her.

He heaved a sigh and said sulkily, "He's okay."

Rachel looked at him strangely. It took her a moment before she spoke again. "Whatever it is that you want to say, just tell me."

"No, there's nothing else," denied Eric.

In the evening, Jack came back on time to pick them up. Before going out, Rachel took a cap and put it on Eric's head to cover his wound.

Eric looked at himself in the mirror. The hat looked perfect. It covered his wound and highlighted his handsome face at the same time. He was quite satisfied with it.

He flicked the brim of his hat, a bright smile appeared on his handsome face.

Jack was waiting for them downstairs when they came down. Eric went straight to the car. Rachel reminded him, "Don't move too fast. Be careful of your wound."

"Yes," replied Eric.

They went to Royal Private Kitchen for dinner. It was the most famous restaurant in Ninwell City.

This restaurant had recipes which were passed on from generation to generation for over a hundred years. They even served the imperial palace. Every

day, they couldn't avoid refusing a number of customers because of too many reservations.

Even customers from well- off families sometimes needed to wait on queue just to make a reservation here. That was why almost everyone dreamed of dining in Royal Private Kitchen.

Eric was so excited to have dinner here.

This had been his long time wish.

Although Rachel was not very much familiar with the restaurant, she got out of the car casually and followed the waiter who was waiting at the entrance.

The interior design of the restaurant was quite ancient. Its atmosphere was calm and quiet. Rachel noticed the thick carpet on the floor, the carved screens, the wall fans, and the blue china bottles on the wall.

They walked through the corridor in silence. The doors to the private rooms were closed.

They stopped at the door of a private room. Then a waitress in cheongsam dress knocked before opening it and letting them in.

At first, Rachel wondered why the waitress needed to knock before letting them in. Only when they got inside that she found out, some people were already there waiting for them.

Rachel saw Michael, Marcus and Henry. She hadn't seen them for a long time but of course, she could still remember them.

There were also other two people that Rachel didn't know. She started to feel nervous. Jack seemed to have noticed it so he held her hand quietly.

Jack never let go of her hand as if trying to comfort and protect her.

Eric who was standing behind them looked at their entwined hands. He was angry but he couldn't do anything.

How dare this bastard Jack take advantage of Rachel in front of him! Why was he holding her hand? 'I'll cut your hand off,1 he thought.

The men inside were playing cards. When Michael heard the door opened, his gaze shifted from the cards in his hand to the door. He then tossed his cards on the table and said, "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

While still holding Rachel's hand, Jack walked to the table. He stood beside Marcus and asked, "Are you almost done?"

"Sooner than expected," Marcus replied. "Just one more round and we will be over."

"Well, since everyone is here, let's stop playing and have dinner," Henry suggested.

The rest of the men didn't disagree. They put down their cards and stood. Rachel's eyes fell on the two men she didn't recognize.

The two young men greeted her politely and she just nodded her head awkwardly.

As soon as Michael caught sight of Eric, who was standing silently behind Rachel, he greeted him immediately, "Hi, Eric. I'm glad that you're here too. It's been a while since the last time we saw each


Michael raised his hand and was about to touch Eric's shoulder, but Jack stretched his hand to stop him.

Stunned, Michael looked at Jack confusedly. "Don't touch him. He's injured," said Jack indifferently.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that," Michael replied as he looked at Marcus, grinned and winked.

With a straight face, Eric squinted at him. He despised these people inside his heart.

Michael looked at Eric up and down. He was about to ask why Eric got injured but Jack interrupted impatiently, "It's late. Let's all sit and have dinner."

Eric felt relieved. He would never want to have a conversation with these men. He actually hated being surrounded by these people, as it made him feel like he was a monkey in the zoo.

He was just wounded. There was no need to talk about it in front of the people who were not his family.

People praised him and called him a real hero. They all said he did a great job. Thinking about it made him feel horrible.

Jack let Rachel and Eric sat first. Then he sat down beside Rachel.

Marcus told the waitress to serve their orders. While waiting for the food to be served, they chatted casually.


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