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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 150

In Eric's eyes, Jack was the worst choice for Rachel. Although he seemed to have changed a lot these days, in Eric's mind, it was just not enough to become Rachel's husband.

Rachel had been with the wrong man so many years. Eric decided to keep an eye on her so that she wouldn't be deceived by Jack.

A sound suddenly interrupted his personal reflection. He was sure that it was Rachel and he suddenly felt anxious for no reason.

He thought that if he would stop speaking, nothing could make her angry again.

"Eric!" Rachel called out to him. Her voice sounded cold and it came from behind him. He turned his head towards her and looked embarrassed. "What's the matter?"

"Do you want to hang out?"

"What? Really?"

"Why do you look so surprised? Go get changed and we'll go shopping," she said in an almost commanding tone of voice mixed with a slight jest.

Eric stood up filled with excitement like a little boy and hurried up the stairs. After a few steps up, he suddenly paused and turned to her once more. His face looked gloomy and sad. "L.uh..." He scratched his chin briefly as he stammered. He then

raised a hand to touch the edge of wound on his forehead.

There was a look of worry on Eric's face. His eyes were suddenly filled with anxiety and sadness. Rachel fully understood what he meant and what he was thinking. She took a deep breath and smiled at him. "You look handsome! Are you afraid to be seen by other people? They won't bite you, you know."

She walked slowly towards Eric and gently poked his face. "You don't even need to wear a hat. Just change your clothes. I'll wait for you outside."

"Rachel..." He was filled with anxiety. He hesitated and could not bring himself to agree with her.

"Don't be ashamed of it. Instead, you should be proud of it. It's considered a badge of honor for you."

She gently stroked the scar with the tip of her soft finger affectionately. Eric turned to her with an inquiring look. "Honor?" he asked softly.

"You got this from doing boldly what is righteous. And you almost lost your own life in the process. There is no reason to feel bad about it at all," Rachel explained patiently.

Eric grinned at her.

Boys of his age prefer to show off their beauty in public and feel good to be admired for it. Thus, his mind was filled with how a scar on his forehead completely ruined his good looks.

He went up as Rachel said to change his clothes. Once he was done changing, he took a hat and slowly placed it on his head like the finishing

touch on a masterpiece artwork. He then took pictures of himself so he could check how good...or how bad...he looked.

Rachel sat in the car and waited patiently for Eric. She turned to him as he approached the car. She shook her head with a faint smile on her lips. She thought that he was still too young and childish.

He opened the door and got into the car enthusiastically. "Come on, Rachel. Let's go!" he urged with a mischievous smile.

He was like a child who couldn't wait to leave for the mall.

His worries have completely melted away.

She planned to bring Eric to one of the popular shopping malls. Before they left, Rachel made a list of things that they needed to buy and placed the list in his hand.

Eric read the list that Rachel made as she drove the car to the mall. It was then that she realized that his life was as much a mess as hers was.

After a few minutes of driving, the way ahead was blocked by a congested traffic jam. Rachel slowed down as they approached the rear of the last car on the lane. She stopped completely and then leaned her head against the window and watched what went on outside. The sound of Eric's voice reading the items on her list became a hypnotic background sound.

She was immediately lost in thought.

But her reverie was immediately interrupted by the loud honking of a car's horn behind them.

"What are you thinking about, Rachel? The road is clear ahead."

The cars started to move slowly. Rachel gripped the steering wheel tightly, started up the car and gently stepped on the gas pedal. "Okay, here we go," she said under her breath.

They looked for a spot to park when they reached the shopping mall. They got out of the car as soon as they finished parking. Eric still looked worried as he kept fixing his hat. He only started to look relieved when he saw that his head was completely covered by the hat.

Rachel waited patiently for him. When he was satisfied with how he looked, he turned to her and said, "Okay, let's go."

It had been a long time since Eric got hurt. He took a deep breath as they entered and he found the air inside the shopping mall to be fresh and to his liking. He brought out Rachel's shopping list and looked at it. "So, we need to go and buy all of these food ingredients first?" he asked.

"Well, there's no rush," Rachel said with a playful smile. She took the list from his hand and checked the items that she listed. "Let's buy some clothes for you first."

"Why buy new clothes for me?" He stared at the clothes he was wearing and looked confused. "I have enough clothes already. I don't need to buy new ones."

"Yes, you do have many clothes," Rachel agreed with him. "But none of them looks good on you."

Eric's clothes were mostly biased towards

specific fashion styles. Some even looked exaggerated and it made them look deviant from the mainstream.

Rachel just had to complain because she disliked how his clothes looked on him.

They took the elevator to the fourth floor.

Rachel went from one shop to the next, looking for one that had what she was looking for.

A shopping guide approached them with a big smile on her face. "Hello, welcome to our store."


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