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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 152

Rachel stopped Eric and told the bodyguard. "Don't worry. We're not leaving. But there are so many passers-by. Since we're in the way, maybe we should go to a quieter place."

The bodyguard shifted his sight away from her eyes and looked around them. They were indeed standing at the elevator and there were so many people around.

People had been staring at them curiously for the past few minutes.

After thinking for a while, the bodyguard thought what Rachel said made sense.

He pursed his lips and reluctantly told Rachel, "Move to the side."

Eric was pissed off by his attitude.

"Do whatever the hell you want. I'm not moving an inch. I'm going to stay down here."

He had always been impatient. It was true that he bumped into the woman, but he already apologized. He couldn't understand why he was still being treated like a criminal.

Upon hearing that,

the bodyguard had a sullen look on his face.

"You hurt her, and yet you are being so arrogant, huh?"

Eric retorted, "I've already apologized again and

again. You're the one who's been acting so arrogant all this time. I don't understand what you want from me! Are you asking for compensation? Do you want us to call the police? What's with that poker face of yours, huh?"

"Eric!" Rachel tried to stop him. Unfortunately, he wasn't ready to listen to her. "Rachel, I know it was my fault that I hit her, but I didn't mean to do it! I've already apologized to her. If she got hurt, I could take her to the hospital and take the responsibility for the medical expenses. But look at them! They've been so arrogant."

Then a familiar, unfriendly female voice coming from behind them. "You're the one who was at fault here. Why are you being so arrogant? I'll send you to prison! See if you can still act so arrogant, Eric."

The woman's words caught a lot of people's attention.

Eric frowned upon realizing who it was. What bad luck!

It was Nancy. He had met her twice in the mall already.

'Seriously? Is the shopping mall really this mall?' Eric cursed inwardly.

'God! Why is my luck so terrible today? What I do to deserve this?'

Rachel also recognized Nancy. She had met her twice, and she remembered that this woman was the one who Eric disliked.

What a small world they lived in. Who would've thought that Nancy knew the woman that Eric had bumped into?

With her haughty waist, Nancy looked at Eric from head to toe and sneered, "You made my cousin sprain her ankle?"

The woman who was accidently bumped by Eric didn't say a word. She stood beside Nancy with her arms crossed, glaring at him.

Her posture and facial expression were still askance. Eric felt so annoyed by her.

'No wonder she's Nancy's cousin,' he thought.

Because of Nancy, Eric began to dislike her cousin as well.

Nancy's expression darkened. "You're the most ill-mannered man I've ever met! How dare you stand there so arrogantly, knowing that you've done something wrong!"

Eric snickered at both of them. "To hell with both of you! Who are you calling arrogant and ill-mannered? This is slander for God's sake!" Nancy got up to his face and pointed her finger at him.

"Slander, you say? Was I lying when I said you hurt someone?" Nancy was starting to sound a little catty. Her hands moved around while she was talking. It was her way of emphasizing what she was saying and how she felt.

Seeing that the argument was going nowhere and a crowd was gathering around them, Rachel had to stop them. Nancy and Eric were inconsolable, so she decided to appeal to the woman in the black dress. "Excuse me. I think it would be better for all of us to talk somewhere more private."

She didn't answer right away so Nancy

answered on her behalf, "No, it wouldn't."

Rachel had tried her best to sound polite. She even wore a smile, and it still didn't work. She had been refused several times, and frankly, her patience was running out.

It was not really that big of a deal, but these two somehow managed to make it seem more than it was.

The crowd continued to get bigger, and Rachel was starting to feel humiliated in public. "Then how do you want to solve this? We have things to do. If you don't want to solve this right now, I'll leave you my phone number and you can give me a call when you feel like you can talk."

Rachel tried her best to sound civilized and professional. When the two women heard what Rachel had told them, their expressions turned from bad to worse.

Suddenly, Nancy's cousin rushed to a man behind Rachel, and bumped into Rachel's shoulder.

Rachel was unbalanced and was about to fall.

Luckily, someone reached out to hold her.

"Rachel, watch out!" said Eric.

Thankfully, that someone made it on time. He was able to catch Rachel and support her up. "You alright, Rachel?"

Rachel and Eric immediately recognized that voice. When they saw him, the atmosphere felt a little strange.

Eric shifted his gaze from Nancy's cousin to the man. When he saw it was Jack, he ran towards


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