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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 172

Tracy started to make small talk, and as minutes passed, she shifted her attention towards the couple themselves rather than the conversation at hand.

Unlike her husband, she wasn't one to keep a close eye on the changes between the couple.

This was why it was harder for her to accept that Rachel and Jack were together. She wanted to ask Rachel about this, but she had no idea how to start the conversation.

She thought for a while and suddenly remembered the topic that her husband had just mentioned at the dining table.

"Hey, what's wrong with Jack? Why do you need to take care of him?"

When Rachel saw that Tracy was taking a longer time to wash the peaches, she slowed down her speed.

"Something happened at the hospital, and I decided to take a long leave.

Jack has an upset stomach recently, so I'm taking care of him,"

Rachel explained briefly.

She made sure to leave out the part that Jack had been in the hospital because of his gastritis, so that Tracy wouldn't worry.

As expected, the moment she had mentioned

Jack's stomachache, Tracy's forehead crinkled in worry.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine," Rachel quickly confirmed.

Tracy's shoulders sagged in relief, but she still wasn't satisfied.

She quickly waved her housemaid over to make some nutritious soup for them the next day before continuing her conversation with Rachel.

Rachel didn't mind,

but she made sure to leave out the part wherein she'd been persuaded by Jack to start over again. In fact, their relationship was like a story — one that had no ending written down yet.

Although his plans were still confusing to her, it turned out that Jack was always one step ahead of the game.

The only information Tracy had gotten from Rachel was how they were getting along rather well with each other. As her mother- in- law, she didn't worry too much.

Rachel was still the girl that she used to be who happened to be a bit dull on the sides.

The dullness didn't play much for Tracy who preferred women who were much livelier. As long as they didn't act too impulsively, livelier personalities were more eager to talk about their own lives.

Tracy turned her head slightly, just enough that she could see her daughter- in- law washing the fruits. She had a pretty face with dark eyebrows that framed her large eyes, a flawless face, and long

silky hair that ran in waves across her back. It was as if the woman had jumped out of a painting.

Rachel didn't look like her parents. In fact, she looked more like her aunt who had been abroad for so many years.

Tracy had been in such a daze that she didn't even realize that she was already peeling the wrong side of the fruit.

It was noticeable that the girl that she brought home years ago had finally grown up.

Rachel had grown up in the Fu family. Although she was a bit dull, she was better than Celine.

At this moment, Tracy liked Rachel more.

Rachel finally finished washing the fruits while Tracy was still in her own thought.

Tracy suddenly came to herself as she set the fruit aside. "How about we'll let the maid deal with it," she suggested. "By the way, do you want to eat melons? We have them sent from Taiwan."

The moon appeared in the sky with thousands of stars glittering across the inky night. The rain had finally stopped.

It was said that the typhoon had already passed the city. The heavy winds that slashed through the household was replaced by a steady breeze, rustling bushes and twigs as it blew by.

Jack and Rachel tried to deal with the old couple as they refused to tell them anything about their relationship.

However, since Tracy couldn't get an answer from Rachel, she decided to pester her own son.

Fortunately, with the help of his father, Jack found a solution.

He held Rachel's hand and ran upstairs, carrying two bottles of drinks in his hand.

When they entered the room, she hesitantly gazed at the drinks that he was holding. He handed her one. "Don't worry. It's just pineapple beer. You won't get drunk," he promised.

Rachel hesitated still.

She and alcohol didn't have the best relationship. Given that Rachel was a lightweight, things didn't end well when she was given a glass of liquor.

Knowing what she was thinking, Jack smiled. "We're at home. Even if you're drunk, I'm the only one with you.

Plus it contains less alcohol. You can check it if you want."

Rachel turned the bottle only to see that it contained 5% alcohol.


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