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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 190

Kneeling on the floor for a long time without getting any response from Lea, Henry was patient. He was not at all anxious or angry, given that she must have been processing the sudden proposal. "I won't force you to accept, but I do want that you'll give me a chance to take care of the both of you."

The corners of her lips twitched. She turned away, agitated from the entire situation.

As if he was able to read her mind, Henry softened his face. "Lea, let's get married and start our own family."

His promise was so perfect that she could already see it painted at the back of her mind.

In the near future, they would have their wedding and get a home of their own. Their home would be warmly lit as a familiar cartoon would echo around the household. Toys would be scattered all over the sofa and the carpet.

The doorbell would ring and she would run to get the door.

A man with a dapper suit and gold- rimmed glasses would stand in front of her with a smile. He would carry the baby

before placing it back into her arms. "Change his diaper," he would mention, frowning.

The baby would burst into tears as the disgusting smell would waft around her...

Lea finally snapped out of it as she stared grimly at the ring. "Let me think it over, okay?"

Although she didn't say "yes" immediately, she was touched by his actions.

Nervousness flashed in his eyes as he stood up and quietly placed the ring box into his pocket. "Okay," he said softly, not wanting to force her to get into anything she didn't want to. After all, he knew that she still needed to process what was happening.

After a long pause, she sighed in relief.

Henry got out of her room obediently.

Although she was thankful that he had given her more time, she couldn't help but have a funny feeling in her chest.

She sat in the room for a while before giving Rachel a call. She frowned when her best friend didn't answer.

It was the second day since she knew that she was pregnant, and Henry had just proposed to her.

The past two days had been extremely fast paced.

Although Henry was excited, his heart was fluttering with nervousness. A part of him wanted to shout to the world that he was going to be a dad.

However, right now, his wife- to- be was his priority.

After all, she was his baby's mother and the love of his life.

Henry's excitement had been so overwhelming

that he just needed to share it with somebody. Without another thought, he decided to give Michael a call.

Since he didn't answer his phone, he decided to try Marcus. However after a few rings, he realized that the man might not be the best person to tell anything to. He had a big mouth. If he told him first, his entire family might know about it by tomorrow. After a short while, he decided to call Jack.

It wasn't that Jack was the last person he could think of, but it was because he was still with Rachel.

If Jack knew, then Rachel would be sure to know.

Besides, Henry didn't even know if Rachel supported his relationship with Lea. Her knowing this entire situation might not be the most ideal for their part.

If Rachel found out,

he wouldn't know what he was going to do.

Henry couldn't help but feel uneasy with the entire situation, but he felt like he could burst out at any moment if he didn't have anyone to share the good news with.

Seeing that he had no other choice, Henry made an appointment with Jack at the cafe. He arrived first, and Jack arrived twenty minutes later.

Henry had arranged a private room for them to prevent any eavesdroppers. He also ordered a carton of beer.

Jack widened his eyes when he walked into the

room. "What happened? Holding a victory banquet?"

Although Jack wasn't much of a lightweight, he knew for a fact that he shouldn't drink alcohol right now—his stomach hadn't fully recovered.

Henry cracked open a can of beer before handing it to him only for him to refuse.

"Don't you want to drink beer? What do you want to drink then?"

Jack unbuttoned his top collar casually. "Let them send some water in."

Henry's jaw dropped.

'Water? Did he want to get us both kicked out of the restaurant?'

"What about red wine?" he urged.

"No thanks."

"What's wrong?" He placed his beer on the table. "Did you quit drinking or something?"

"I've been having some stomach trouble." Henry frowned, feeling as if there was more to the story.

If he was having stomach trouble, then that meant Rachel must've forbid him from drinking alcohol.

Looking at the beer in front of him, Henry sighed. It seemed that he had just asked the wrong person. Did Jack come all this way just to watch him drinking?

He frowned.

"Are you really sure you don't want to drink? Come on, man. You can't just sit there and watch


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