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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 195

Lea preferred being free than being shackled.

But Rachel was different. If it was her, she would never let go of the baby.

Even if she and the father of the child wouldn't end up together, she would never give up her baby.

Rachel grew up as an orphan. She would keep her baby because it was her family.

However, Lea had different personality and family background. Moreover, she didn't have the same childhood as Rachel's.

Because of these reasons, Rachel couldn't provide a suitable solution for her.

At the moment, Lea was all blank so she might just accept any advice from Rachel causally.

Rachel must be very careful of her words.

She clasped her hands and thought for a while. Then she said, "Lea, I think you have to talk about this with Henry."

"I understand. I know that I should not decide in this alone," Lea agreed sadly. Henry had the right to know. He must be involved in decision making.

Actually, Lea was escaping the situation not to deprive Henry of his right to raise his child. She only wanted to find a better solution on her own.

Lea sighed. She was in a dilemma.

Rachel sat beside her and patted her shoulder.


"Yes?" Lea met her eyes.

"Don't act on impulse, okay? Don't do anything that you will regret later."

Lea's mouth curled into a smile and she answered, "Don't worry, I won't." She raised her hands and stretched her body. "Just give me half an hour to calm down."

But after an hour, Lea still hadn't regained her composure. She stayed at Rachel's house until Henry, who was so worried about her, rushed to pick her up.

After the couple went away, Rachel still couldn't help being anxious about Lea. So when Jack came home, he was welcomed by her unhappy face.

He couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?" He was wondering why Rachel looked awful.

'Why does she look so upset?'

he thought inwardly.

Rachel had no idea

that Jack already knew about Lea's pregnancy.

She told him about what happened. Finally, he knew the reason why she looked so depressed.

He knew how important Lea was to Rachel because they were best friends.

But he couldn't do anything to help Rachel smooth things over.

After all, it was someone else's family matter. He had no right to interfere even in his friend's

personal affairs.

Everything that Rachel told Jack was also the same with what Henry had told him earlier.

Since he had already known about it, he just comforted Rachel, "Don't worry, Henry will handle it."

"They need to talk in order to solve this problem," said Rachel.

"Well, you are right. What they need is a good talk. This is not a big deal. For sure they can settle it easily," Jack nodded in agreement.

Rachel didn't know why, but she felt something strange after hearing what Jack had said.

He shouldn't have reacted in such a casual


Rachel wanted to ask, but she bit her lips to hold back her words.

After all, this matter had nothing to do with Jack. She shouldn't drag him into it.

Moreover, Rachel was not an eloquent woman. She was afraid that Jack would misunderstand her words.

But she still felt depressed. Deep in her heart, she was hoping that Jack would also take the matter seriously.

She wondered why Jack was only taking the situation lightly. Was it because it was none of his business?

Women couldn't decide easily because they always had wild imaginations.

The ability to exaggerate and overreact was

also unique to them. Sometimes, they seemed to become irrational.

They were good at meddling and getting themselves tangled in a situation that could cause mood swings.

In the end, they got trapped and couldn't control their emotions anymore.


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