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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 197

When Jack and Celine were still together, he had never been this affectionate to her.

Besides, he had emphasized many times that he would never allow his personal affairs to affect his work.

But since he had gotten together with Rachel, his moods were always affected. Although he didn't mention Rachel, Austin knew that she was the main reason for his boss's sudden change of mood.

For Austin, Rachel was also like Jack. They both looked indifferent all the time.

Every time Rachel visited Jack's office, she always wore a calm and expressionless face. Austin was so surprised why Jack was so obsessed with her. He seemed to even love her much more than he did to Celine.

Sometimes, he couldn't help wondering secretly. All the while, he thought that Celine would finally succeed in becoming Mrs. Fu. But all of a sudden, she just disappeared.

Then Rachel suddenly appeared out of nowhere and Jack announced that she was his wife.

Since then, Jack had been trying to do everything to win her heart. Austin thought that nothing seemed to be impossible for Jack when it came to Rachel.

Jack had arranged everything properly for

Rachel. He definitely valued her and cared for her so much.

Austin had been working for Jack for many years, so he witnessed Jack's love for both women. He was able to see clearly how different Jack had treated Rachel compared to Celine.

But as a good employee, he had no right to pry with his boss's personal life.

His main task was to serve Jack and follow his orders. Whatever he saw and heard inside Jack's office, he must always keep it a secret.

At first, Austin thought that Jack really loved Celine. But as time went by, he noticed that she was just like a beautiful toy that he liked a lot when he was young.

Then the time came that he got fed up with it and lost his interest, so he just got rid of it easily.

Sometimes, Austin couldn't help comparing Celine to a beautiful dog. Because of its cuteness and obedience, Jack was fond of it. But when the dog suddenly became unruly and stirred up a lot of troubles, he decided to send it away.

No matter how much he liked Celine, she became frivolous in Jack's eyes as time passed by.

So, when he was still with Celine, Austin could notice the weariness written on his face most of the time.

But Jack was different when it came to Rachel. He was very careful in everything that involved her. Austin could say that Jack was even more afraid of losing Rachel than losing a hundred million business deal.

As a matter of fact, Jack didn't bring Celine to his office often. But Rachel had been in his office very frequently.

Austin sighed in his heart. It was really true that even heroes, also fall for beauties.

Although he didn't say it directly, he had already hinted Jack repeatedly that Rachel was getting in his way.

He had reminded Jack that his personal affairs had been affecting his job too much.

Fortunately, Jack listened to him. He started to make some changes. However, it wasn't in the way that it used to be.

Eventually, Austin decided to accept the fact that Rachel was now the main character in his boss's life.

And in the end, she would be the biggest winner.

Perhaps Rachel wasn't aware of it.

If Rachel knew what Austin was thinking about, she would be at a loss whether to laugh or to cry.

Looking at his boss's vigorous and agile hand signing the documents, Austin couldn't help asking, "Mr. Fu, why Mrs. Fu didn't come today?"

"She has something else to do," Jack answered while reading a document.

The smile on Jack's face didn't escape Austin's eyes when he mentioned Rachel.

All of a sudden, Austin thought of his wife. He and his wife fell in love with each other in high

school and got married after graduation. They had been married for more than ten years.

But up to this day, he couldn't remember that he had been this affectionate to his wife.

Looking at his boss now made him realize that he should also love his wife deeply and treat her well.

Austin finished giving Jack his schedule of activities for today, so he decided to go out of his office. But when he was about to open the door, Jack raised his head and called out, "Wait a minute."

He took out an envelope from his drawer, so Austin went back to him.

"Send this letter for me. And ask the person in charge of the resort in Mosa City to have a room reserved for me and my wife," Jack said.


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