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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 206

Eric scratched his head and sighed. "Rachel, can't you even say something nice to make me feel better?1

Rachel smiled and answered, "No."

Eric's mouth twitched as he thought inwardly, 'How cruel!'

After seeing Eric off, Rachel stood in front of the elevator for a while.

She thought for a moment before she turned around and went back.

While walking back to the apartment, she suddenly stopped and slapped her forehead. She had totally forgotten Lucas! It had been a good long while since the last time she saw him.

When Rachel got home, she immediately looked for the letter that James sent her.

She had told James before that she would think about his offer to go abroad for further education. But that was already a month ago.

Since James had not reminded her about it, it also slipped her mind.

Rachel was still looking for the letter when Jack entered the room. He couldn't help asking, "What are you looking for?"

She was stunned for a moment, but as soon as she came back to her senses, she turned around and asked him, "Have you seen a folder with the

hospital's name on it?"

Jack thought for a while then answered, "I think it's in the study."

Rachel stood up immediately. "Where is it? I need it."

"I'll get it for you," Jack offered. He then turned around and walked out of the room. Rachel followed him quickly.

It didn't take long for Jack to find the folder. As soon as he handed it to Rachel, she checked everything inside. After making sure that nothing was missing, she felt a little relieved.

Rachel put the folder away. She couldn't go abroad to study this time, so she thought of sending it back to James in the hospital.

She couldn't be away for one year as of this moment.

Jack noticed that Rachel looked a little cautious, so he asked, "What is so important about that folder?"

Rachel replied vaguely, "It's an important document from the hospital that I've almost forgotten. Good thing they called me earlier to remind me about it."

Hearing her explanation, Jack said casually, "Then send it back to them immediately."

"Yes, I will," she answered.

The next day, Rachel called James who was now at the hospital.

When James heard that Rachel would send the

application form back to him, he took a deep breath and asked confusedly,

"Why not? Is it because of Jack?"

Rachel felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, she was only talking with James on the phone. At least, he couldn't see her facial expression.

"No, it's not because of him," she denied.

James had already known that Rachel and Jack were together now.

Jonathan told him about it when they had dinner one time.

During their dinner, Jonathan told him the whole story excitedly. It was very evident how delighted he was.

It had been Jonathan's dream that Jack and Rachel would end up together.

That was the reason why he arranged their marriage. Actually, James hated Jack and Jonathan because of it.

For him, it wasn't right to sacrifice Rachel's youth for that ridiculous marriage.

There was no love between Jack and Rachel at that time, so James thought that they would separate sooner or later.

Flowever, he didn't expect that they would fall in love with each other after getting married for five years. Apparently, Jack became a good husband to Rachel.

At his age, James was not into romance anymore.

His only concern was Rachel. He didn't care what was going on between her and Jack, but he just felt that she had rejected his invitation too soon.

He thought that women were really fickle, especially when it came to love. Once they fell in love with someone, they would lose their minds easily.

Although James didn't know what was in Rachel's mind, he felt that he needed to convince her, so he said plainly, "Rachel, if you are refusing my offer because of someone else, you better think it over first.

You are not a child anymore, so I hope you don't mind me telling you this. I'm just being realistic."

Rachel replied, "Of course not."

Then James added, "You have your own life. If you give up your dream for something unreal, I think it's not worth it."

What he wanted to say was, Rachel was giving up the opportunity to go abroad for further education just because of love.

Everyone knew how obsessed she was in being a doctor.

James was afraid that she would regret her decision in the future.

Rachel listened to him quietly. His words were simple but it was some sort of a warning: don't give up yourself for love.

She knew that he didn't want her to regret in the

future and blame Jack for it in the end.


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