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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 212

Rachel didn't know whether she was pregnant.

Quietly covering her belly with her hand under the quilt, she thought about how happy Jack would be if she was.

The next morning, the rising sun shone brightly through the window, casting a dazzling light on the floor.

A small plant on the balcony was stretching its branches and leaves in the morning sun.

As soon as Rachel woke up, she shot up from the bed and went to the bathroom with the pregnancy test kit in her hand.

After nervously waiting for ten minutes to pass, she checked the test only to find a single red line on it. She froze, not knowing whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

In retrospect, this was good news for her.

She walked to the trash can, threw the kit away, and stood there for a while staring blankly at the wall. Finally, she shook herself out of her trance and began getting ready to go to the hospital.

Now that the pregnancy test result had been negative, she could still return to her job.

Before she went to the hospital, she informed James of her decision.

After all, he was the one who had approved her long leave, so he should be the first to know.

Of course, James was nothing short of happy to learn that Rachel was coming back to work. It was difficult to hire a doctor with a high qualification and a good attitude like her.

As the owner of the hospital, he had felt sorry after hearing that she wanted such a long leave.

So now that she wanted to come back to work, he was elated. Just when he wanted to tell her that she could carry on with her work as usual, however, something occurred to him, and his expression turned serious. "Rachel, as I've told you before, there is a bad atmosphere in the hospital. If you ever see one of our staff doing something unethical, report it to me directly."

He was afraid that Rachel might be unwilling to snitch on her colleagues, so he added,

"If you see anyone spreading rumors about the hospital or doing something to give it a bad name, you don't have to hide it. Just tell the truth.

I was so busy with other things for the last two years that I didn't even pay attention to the hospital. That's why that incident occurred."

"You mean the one with Kevin?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, that's the one." With a deep sigh, James continued, "In the future, I will establish a more stringent set of rules and do the necessary evaluations. I'm glad that he's passionate about his work, but he should not have thought that he was the best and gotten jealous of other people.

He had such a big ego that he made a mistake that not only led to a patient's death, but also ruined his future. It's just not worth it. Are we clear?"


"Good. Before you start work, report to the director of your department."


"I will arrange for you to learn from Dr. Wu."

Upon hearing this, Rachel gasped in surprise. Dr. Wu was a very famous doctor who was highly accomplished in his field.

The hospital had spent a fortune on hiring him.

Not only was he specialized in both cardiology and neurology, he had performed many successful operations. Now, even though he was old, he spent three days a week at the hospital consulting patients.

For a moment, Rachel was so happy that she didn't know what to say. But when reality hit her, she said, "Dr. Wu will probably refuse to take me under his wing because of all my stupid questions."

James smiled. "You don't have to worry about that. That old man likes being asked questions. In fact, the more questions you ask, the more he'll like you. He is also a strange person."

Rachel felt like it was too good to be true, so she just stayed silent.

Seeing that Rachel was still doubting herself, James continued, "Besides, Dr. Wu has been asking me to find him a student. I couldn't think of anyone at first, but finally, I recommend you.

He looked through your resume and agreed, so I think he is quite satisfied with you. But no matter what, you should give it a shot. You have nothing to


Dr. Wu usually rejected everyone who wanted to be his student,

so it was a surprise that he had agreed to take Rachel under his wing.

Rachel finally agreed. She hadn't expected that she would get such a good opportunity as soon as she returned to the hospital.

Over the years, she had received some certificates and also gotten the opportunity to perform some important operations abroad, both as an assistant and as the chief doctor.

But here at home, the situation was a little different from when she was abroad.

Talent and skill weren't as important as experience. The older a doctor was, the more reliable they were thought to be.

Her age and her lack of experience were the main reasons Rachel had applied to be transferred to the emergency department.

Before that, James had asked Executive Fang to help Rachel get a promotion,


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