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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 219

After giving it a careful thought, Emma still couldn't figure out whether Rachel had heard them or not. Then Rachel moved forward, so Emma followed her.

She didn't stop following Rachel until they reached the second floor. But since only a few people were going upstairs, she decided to stop following her.

No one knew that she was following Rachel.

But if she continued to follow her, it might become obvious and people might notice it.

After hesitating for a while, Emma eventually decided to stop following Rachel. She also didn't mean to stand there waiting like a guard.

So when Rachel was out of her sight, she turned around and left.

However, she didn't expect that she would run into Jack, who was also looking for Rachel.

Emma didn't know what she was thinking, but she suddenly told Jack that Rachel went upstairs.

It was only later that she realized she did something stupid. At this moment, she needed to be more cautious. She reminded herself to be more careful of her words. No one should know that she was secretly following Rachel, especially Jack.

Otherwise, Jack would never let go of her until he found out the reason why she was following Rachel.

So Emma didn't say anything except that she saw Rachel going upstairs. But Jack continued to ask her politely, "When did she go upstairs? Was she alone? Did you see her come back?"

Emma hesitated for a while before she answered, "I'm not very sure, but I think she went upstairs about an hour ago. She was alone. I'm not sure if she has already come down. I haven't seen her again yet."

She did her best to hide the guilt and nervousness in her voice.

If Jack found out, she would definitely be in trouble.

Emma could still clearly remember what Jack had done to the man she loved.

So she secretly prayed that Rachel's

disappearance had nothing to do with her. Or else, she didn't know what Jack could do to her.

Fortunately, Jack didn't notice the distress on her face. He thought for a while and looked at the mobile phone in his hand. He then turned to her and said, "Thank you."

Emma stammered, "You...are welcome."

Jack nodded at her slightly before he walked away. He thought of checking the CCTV footage.

It was almost impossible that Rachel suddenly disappeared.

He didn't know why she had left her purse and phone on the second floor.

If she didn't leave, then she must be still in the villa.

Jack's heart filled with worries. He went to look for Howard Wu, the hostess of the banquet, and told him what happened.

Howard Wu was stunned. He couldn't believe that a woman went missing in his banquet. And that woman was Jack's wife.

Feeling a little nervous, he also prayed that Rachel was just fine.

He couldn't believe that Rachel would disappear all of a sudden, so he immediately asked someone to check the CCTV footage.

Jack thought that he should have looked for Howard sooner.

He only found out from a waiter that Rachel's purse and phone were on the second floor, but she was not there. At first, Jack thought that maybe Rachel had forgotten her stuff and the waiter happened to find them.

The technician showed them the CCTV footage quickly. Indeed, Emma was right. Rachel really went to the second floor.

There was a camera at the stairs which showed that Rachel walked upstairs carefully.

However, she then turned left, wherein there was no camera anymore.

The technician checked the other CCTV cameras on the second floor but couldn't find Rachel either.

A few moments later, the people that Howard Wu sent to check all the rooms on the second floor also returned. They weren't able to find her either.

Rachel didn't have a key to any of the rooms there, so she definitely couldn't get in.

Besides, there was no sign of her in all the CCTV cameras on the second floor and even on the third floor.

Rachel didn't go downstairs either.

This was something serious. Someone suddenly disappeared in the villa, and no one even noticed.

Howard Wu couldn't believe it. How could a person who just went to the second floor vanished?

It was not magic, of course!

Jack just stood there quietly. His face looked very gloomy.

While the CCTV footage was still playing on the screen, beads of sweat started to come out of Howard Wu's forehead. All of a sudden, he felt that the temperature in the room went up.


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