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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 24

There were no other words to describe it. It was disgusting.

It was impossible for Rachel to stay polite. With a disgusted expression, she took up Lea's coat, stood up and walked out without saying a word.

"Hey!" the man called out, getting up to pull her back. He hadn't expected Rachel to act like this.

Rachel nimbly dodged out of his grasp. She turned around and sneered at him, and looking him up and down. "I've had enough of this," she said, with icy-cold hostility. "I don't want anything more to do with you. Don't you dare take a step closer."

"Damn it!" Several different emotions passed through his face as he stared fiercely at Rachel. "You bitch! You're going to regret this!"

Rachel clutched Lea's coat more tightly in her hand as she leveled her gaze with his. When he was out of sight, she took a couple of deep breaths to steady herself.

One of the reasons why she hated this place so much was that with so many people gathered together in one place like a can of sardines, it was easy to get on each other's nerves. What was more, when alcohol was brought into the equation it worked everyone up, making matters even worse.

Men who had lost their sober self-control had two things in common: They would behave more arrogantly, and they were raging with testosterone. ■3

After Rachel finally calmed down, she sat back with a sigh. She then raised her hand impatiently to glance at her watch.

The last time she came here with Lea, she had been approached by strangers countless times. She was only able to drive them away by rejecting them unambiguously.

They had not intended to go to a bar with that sort of bad crowd. Even though it was a fairly high-end bar, it was full of dodgy men.

It wasn't a good place to go if you just wanted to be left alone. No matter how classy the bar might appear to be, there was never any guarantee of classy customers.

There are always plenty of boors and morons in this world, the sort of losers who like to play toy with women whenever they find an opportunity to do so, as if they think that the world is theirs.

Shortly after that unpleasant scene, Rachel ran into some more trouble.

It happened when Rachel went to the bathroom. Turning around, she sensed that something was wrong.

She lowered her eyes and hurried up. Unsurprisingly, someone behind her kept pace.

Rachel had no time to escape. She was blocked in the middle. She looked warily at the stranger in front of her and stepped backward.

He smiled stiffly and said, "Ms. Shen, don't walk backward. There's someone behind you."

Rachel turned around and found there was another man in black, at the end of the corridor. She was trapped.

Hearing that he addressed her by name, Rachel's face darkened. How did he know her?

She made a strong effort to calm down. "I'm sorry. What can I do for you?"

The man still looked coldly at her with his poker face. He forced a smile and said, "Our boss wants to see you."

"Excuse me, who is your boss?" Rachel put her hands in her pockets and fumbled for her phone. But unlike the old Nokia, she couldn't press the unlock code on this damn smartphone without looking at it.

Why did these creeps want? Rachel was extremely nervous, and her emotion showed clearly on her face. The stranger saw it, and he said in a low voice, "Don't worry, my boss only wants to see you. He will do you no harm."

Rachel took a deep breath and looked at the man in front of her. "May I know your boss's name?" she asked. "It makes no sense for me to visit someone without knowing who he is."

Surprise flashed through the man's eyes. He didn't expect her to have such a sharp mind in such a situation.

He kept silent for a while and said, "Our boss is Mr. Fu's friend and he doesn't mean to harm you. He just wants to ask you to have a chat with him."

Hearing that, Rachel's face became a little more serious. What the hell? Were they using her to get to Jack? ■3

She collected herself and said, "really? But I'm afraid I don't know Mr. Fu very well, let alone his friend.

Thank you for the invitation. I'm afraid this is rather awkward. I will inform Mr. Fu when I see him."

As soon as Rachel said that, there was a look of uncertainty on the face of the man before her. She knew that it was not a good day, and that it wouldn't be easy to get out of this.

As she expected, the man facing her slowly revealed his anger, staring at her rudely, and said, "Ms. Shen, don't make it difficult for us. We're just here to have a chat. If you cooperate, we promise not to do anything. I hope you won't make things difficult for me. I'm so sorry."

Rachel's eyes suddenly flashed with alarm when she saw the cold light of the man's knife. She pursed her lips as a shadow of fear crossing her heart.

At that moment, she made a surge of effort to be tough-minded. She knew she wouldn't get out of this by being weak.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and it occurred to Rachel that it was a waste of time talking with them or trying to be polite.

Rachel suddenly regretted that she had never learned any self-defense or martial arts. Fler brain raced for a way to save herself.

She opened her eyes and said calmly, "Let's


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