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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 240

Jack raised his head and looked upstairs. Then, he began walking up.

At the same time, Rachel arrived at the hospital exactly ten minutes before they were scheduled to leave.

When she arrived, the supervisor was taking attendance and arranging everyone who was taking part in the conference and training.

After greeting each other, they all got into the private bus and headed straight to the airport. They were scheduled to arrive in the neighboring province at 9 am.

On the way, Rachel idly looked down at her phone, wondering if Eric would wreck her house while she was gone.

Just as she checked the time and was about to turn off the screen, she received a text message.

Rachel's heart skipped a beat in anticipation, but when she saw that it was just a promotional message, she frowned in disappointment.

What had she been looking forward to, anyway?

Seeing that one of her colleagues was coming to talk to her, she turned off the phone and raised her head to chat with that person. The truth was, Rachel had forgotten that she had blocked Jack's number that day.

Since his number was in her blacklist, she wouldn't receive calls or messages from him even if he tried to contact her.

Meanwhile, at Rachel's house, Eric was very sleepy after taking a shower.

He threw his bath towel down, slumped into the bed, and fell asleep in less than a minute.

When Jack reached the landing of the second floor,

he heard loud snoring coming from one of the rooms.

For a few moments, he froze, feeling as if his head had been smashed heavily with a hammer.

It was obvious that the snoring was coming from a man.

However, it didn't make sense for a man to be sleeping here so early in the morning, unless...

'Is it possible that he stayed here overnight?'

As soon as the thought entered his mind, he felt a fire rise from the bottom of his heart, causing him to lose all reason.

Glaring fiercely, he walked straight toward the bedroom door at the end of the hall, but when he passed the guest room, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to the door.

The door of the guest room was open just a crack, and this is where the sound of snoring was coming from.

Without hesitation, he threw the door open and stormed inside angrily. 'Damn it! Who dared to stay the night here?'

The door slammed against the wall, but the noise didn't wake up the man who was asleep face-down in the bed, wrapped in a quilt.

Jack walked over to the bed with the same furious momentum, but when his eyes fell on the man's naked back, he stopped.

There was a long faded scar running down the man's back from his shoulder to his waist.

Of course, Jack immediately recognized him.

His anger dissipated out of him like air rushing out of a balloon. Gently prodding Eric's arm, he said, "Eric, wake up.

Get up.


However, Eric stayed motionless like a dead body, completely undisturbed by all the noise. The only sign that he was alive was his loud snoring. Jack dimly wondered if he should take a photo of Eric like this to blackmail him later and smiled to himself. But with the scar on his back, Eric actually looked quite cool, so Jack decided against it.

Unable to wake the boy up, he helplessly ran his hand through his hair and whispered, "You're lucky you have such a cool scar."

Then, he walked out of the guest room and searched the rest of the house for Rachel, but she was nowhere to be found.

Why had she left the house so early? After trying to think of a reason and failing, Jack called her again, but there was no answer.

With a deep sigh, he went back to the guest room once more and turned Eric over to face him.

However, Eric continued to snore. Jack patted him on the face and said loudly, "Eric!

Eric? Wake up! Get up!


Annoyed by the noise, Eric finally stirred a little and slapped Jack's hand away.

"Don't bother me!" he snapped with his eyes closed before turning over onto the bed.

Jack tutted in annoyance. He didn't want to leave without finding out about Rachel's whereabouts. Just then, an idea struck him, and he went downstairs and opened the fridge. Then, he filled a bowl with some ice cubes.

When he went back upstairs, the sleeping boar was still snoring.

Jack stepped forward and calmly put an ice cube on Eric's neck.

A few seconds later, the man in the bed suddenly screamed and jumped up. He reached out his hand to touch the back of his neck, but he was too sleepy to realize what had happened.

All he knew was that a cold sting had woken him up. As he cursed in a low voice, he raised his head and looked at the man who was standing in front of his bed with his arms crossed.

"Why are you here?" he asked with a frown. Judging from his voice, it was obvious that he was still half-asleep.

Jack hadn't expected his idea to be so effective and hesitated whether to do it again.

But when Eric closed his eyes again and leaned back toward the bed, Jack put another ice cube on his neck.

This time, Eric finally woke up. When he saw Jack, he looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. "You! You're the one who did that!"

"What did I do?" Jack asked innocently as he put the bowl aside with a smile. "I just wanted to wake you up. Why are you getting so angry for that? It's not like I threw a bucket of water over you."

Eric clenched his teeth in anger for a while. Before Eric could curse him,

Jack cut in. "I just want to know something important. After that, you can go back to sleep. I won't disturb you."

'Son of a bitch!' Eric rubbed his short hair irritably and roared, "Are you insane? I just fell asleep! Why did you have to wake me up?" Jack continued to stare at him innocently and said,


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