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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 253

As Rachel was deep in her thoughts, she suddenly heard the door open.

She craned her head, thinking that it was Tracy who came to visit her.

However, she was met with a shadow of a tall figure.

"Jack?" she called hesitantly.

"Yes, it's me." Hearing his voice, she sighed in relief.

If Tracy was the one who would sleep here tonight, then Rachel would be up all night.

Her mother-in-law might not be able to sleep comfortably in a small hospital bed.

It wasn't because Tracy was growing old. She was still very strong for her age. It was because it might be awkward for the both of them.

If she woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go to the bathroom, Rachel would be unsure as to whether she should wake Tracy up or not.

Although Rachel didn't know why Tracy suddenly changed her attitude toward her, she didn't feel comfortable enough to say with her for a night.

Fortunately, Jack was the one who would accompany her. Under the dark night, she could only make out the shadow of his face.

"Why are you here?"

"I'd be worried if I was not here to take care of you myself."

Jack reached out to turn on the lamp on her bedside table. He quickly walked over and found a quilt in the cabinet.

He strode towards her with the quilt in his hands. "I'll let the lamp on," he said.

She yawned. "Why?"

"Aren't you used to having the lamp on while you're sleeping?" Jack quickly fixed his bed, not noticing the look on Rachel's face.

After making up his bed, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Honestly, I kind of got used to having a lamp on while I'm sleeping too.

It was because of her that he had gotten used to the habit.

When Rachel was not at home, he would come back to a dark house. It irritated him terribly. He couldn't help but correlate that same darkness to the loneliness that swept his chest while she was gone. He didn't feel right without her.

Without her, not only did he feel lonely, but he also felt cold and alone. He despised that feeling.

When Jack turned around, Rachel quickly covered the small smile threading across her lips. She pretended to be indifferent. "Turn it off. You won't be able to fall asleep."

Jack grinned. "It's actually the other way around now. I can't sleep if it's turned off."

"Well, that is only for a short period of time. Things change. Besides, you didn't get used to the light before, right?"

Rachel crossed her arms.

"Once I found the light, it's hard to let it go under all this darkness," said Jack.

"I don't understand what you mean." She yawned.

Jack took off his shoes and socks. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took off his clothes. Sure enough, his strong figure was exposed in front of her.

He grabbed his pajamas and put them on. Blushing, Rachel averted her gaze to the ceiling. 'Why am I being so silly?' she thought. Suddenly, she heard Jack's faint voice. "It doesn't matter. You'll know it soon."

She didn't say anything to him. What he had said felt like a riddle to her. However, he still kept the light on in the end. That was what mattered.

The light warmed the cold atmosphere between them.

Jack was lying on his side, so he could clearly see the woman sleeping in the bed next to him.

It was the first time he took care of someone before.

After lying in bed for a while, he didn't feel sleepy at all. In fact, he tossed and turned the entire night.

He gazed at the night, seeing raindrops smashing against the window pane.

It was always rainy in the province at this month.

Perhaps the people here had already grown so used to the rain that none of them bothered to be concerned over the disastrous weather.

The rain had lasted several days already, but the people weren't the slightest bit fazed.

Because of the heavy rain, many cities in the province suffered from natural disasters, such as flood and landslide.

The death and missing rates were still rising as the rain continued. Given that the province was so close to sea, the winds and storms were much stronger.

Jack lied in bed as he listened to the rain, but he still couldn't fall asleep. He felt as if he needed to say something to Rachel.

But he was afraid that he might disturb her sleep.

Ever since his parents came, he didn't have any alone time with her. He wasn't able talk to her.

Tonight was a different story.

When Jack was about to see if she had slept, she called out softly,


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