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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 258

"I dreamed of my parents and my childhood."

As Rachel mentioned her parents, Tracy couldn't help feeling emotional.

She wondered what Rachel dreamed. "About your childhood?" she asked.

Rachel thought for a moment and replied honestly, "Yes. I dreamed something that I couldn't remember in my memory."

"What was your dream? Can you tell me about it?"

Rachel fell silent for a while as if trying to recall her dream. Then she said in a low voice, "I dreamed of that day when we had a car accident."

Tracy froze upon hearing what she said.

Rachel couldn't see her and thought she was just listening, so she continued, "I dreamed of that scene when my father was driving on the road going to your house. It was very noisy."

A faint smile appeared on her face, but it also faded away quickly. "Then... when I woke up, you were already there beside me. I felt like I had come back to that time." Tracy also remembered the memory in the past.

Perhaps Rachel didn't know that the three of them were sent to the hospital immediately.

Her father was the most seriously injured, so he died right away.

Her mother's condition was also bad, but she still got a chance to ask for help.

She requested to call Jonathan's father and entrusted Rachel to him before she passed away.

Tracy remembered that when little Rachel woke up, she was in shock. She cried every night for half a month.

As a mother, Tracy couldn't stand seeing Rachel weep, so she slept with her during those times.

Jonathan's father had decided to adopt Rachel.

Tracy had gotten to know the reason from Jonathan, and agreed without any hesitation.

Rachel was always a very sensible girl.

After she had known the situation she had been in, she had been behaving herself in Fu family's house. Jonathan's father had taken care of her for a long time.

After the old man passed away, Tracy and Jonathan had begun to take care of her. She had lived with the Fu family for many years until she was arranged to marry Jack.

Tracy couldn't help but sigh as she looked at Rachel. Her heart was filled with pity and guilt.

She held Rachel's hands and comforted her, "Just take a rest. You don't need to worry this time. You have a family now."

Actually, Rachel wanted to ask something about the things in her past. But she didn't expect that Tracy would comfort her this way, so she decided not to ask anymore.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just reminded of my past."

"Okay." Tracy gently stroked the back of her hand and thought for a while. "Rachel, don't be afraid. When we get back to Ninwell City, we will find the best doctor to check your eyes. We will do everything to have your vision back."

Although the doctor had told them that the blood clot will dissolve in five days,

the Fu family still wanted to consult a doctor that they were familiar with and trusted.

Rachel didn't refuse their kindness. She just followed their arrangement and let Jack did the process so she would be discharged from the hospital.

After he finished everything, they were finally ready to go back to Ninwell City the next day. Fortunately, the rain that had been going on for almost half a month now finally stopped today.

Rachel was awakened by the noise outside.

When she opened her eyes, it was still dark. She was stunned for a moment until she realized that she was still blind.

Jack had been in her room all the time to take care of her. The moment he noticed that she moved, he came over to check on her.

Rachel yawned. She couldn't help feeling a little depressed after waking up and still in darkness.

"Are you awake now?" He reached out his hand and stroked her face gently.

Rachel smelled the toothpaste in his hand, so she teased him, "Haven't you washed your hands?"


"I can still smell the toothpaste in your hand."

Jack somehow felt relieved upon hearing what she said. At least, her other senses were still active. He pinched her nose and said, "Yes. I haven't washed my hand after peeing too."

"Eh?" Rachel showed a disgusted expression on her face.

Jack helped her up after teasing her for a while. She slightly tilted her head, raised her eyebrow, and asked in surprise, "Has the rain stopped?"

He was surprised with her question. He commented, "Your sense of hearing is quite good."

Rachel was a little bit complacent when she answered, "I think my other senses have become more sensitive since I lose my eyesight."

Jack smiled and put on her slippers.

When he finished, she shook her feet and smiled, "Very good. Now, you are an expert."

He slightly flicked her feet and pulled her out of the bed.

Since she couldn't see, Rachel was like a little child being guided by Jack to the bathroom.

She almost fell when she tripped over a stool.

Fortunately, Jack was fast enough to catch her. Then he looked down and pushed the plastic stool with his toes.

She propped herself up with one hand and asked, "Did you kick the stool?"

"Yes, I kicked it away."




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