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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 264

Fearing that she could recall unpleasant things, Jack quickly explained, "I mean, I didn't really do nothing. In fact, in the days you didn't respond to me, I waited outside your house and watched you when you go to work. I just didn't know how to approach you."

And then she had flown to the neighboring province without him knowing.

At that moment, Jack regretted not approaching her sooner. If he had been able to apologize to her more openly, then he might have been able to stop her from heading to the neighboring province.

If not, then he might have also been there with her when it happened. She could've been saved sooner.

At this point, a myriad of thoughts flashed across his mind.

He sighed.

If he had apologized to her, would he have been able to stop her? Would he have been able to make it up to her?

There were just some questions that were left unanswered. With her condition, it was best for them to rely on each other from now on.

They were each other's saving grace, more so than either of them knew.

The Fu family made sure to not tell anyone about Rachel's state. They didn't want any reporters disturbing her as she inched towards her recovery.

Given her situation, she needed to stay in the hospital for observation regarding her memories.

Every day, whenever she woke up, she would always feel as if she had forgotten something.

It could be something major or minor, but either way, that feeling would always eat her up inside until she couldn't take it anymore.

However, on the eighth day, she didn't get that feeling anymore.

She waited for another four more days of observation.

After that, the doctor concluded that her memory deterioration had stopped.

The doctor analyzed that her memory was lost because of the trauma she had experienced after being buried for over twenty hours.

There were similar cases like this. Some of them could regain their lost memories, while the others couldn't. As the doctor had said, there was no clear cure for trauma. The best they could do was hope for the best.

As the next couple of days passed, Rachel got increasingly bored in staying here. After a detailed discussion, they all finally reached the conclusion that she could leave the hospital and go home.

She decided to quit her job after what had happened. She needed all the time to recover from the trauma and also her injuries. James had visited her twice when she was still in the hospital.

Unfortunately, she had been asleep during those times.

When she arrived at Ninwell City, Jonathan made sure to block all people who intended to visit her, just so she could get some rest.

James was included.

He had been pacing with anxiety as to what had happened to her. It was a good thing that Jonathan called him regularly to update him of her recovery.

When Jack called him about Rachel quitting her job, James was more than willing to agree. After what she had been through, it was the least she deserved.

All James could hope was that she could go back and work in the hospital once she had fully recovered.

As of the moment, he also had another problem on his plate. Right now, he had no idea where his son was.

His disappearance gave him a headache. His son, who used to be so calm and well-behaved, had become wicked and treacherous.

During Rachel's stay in the hospital, no one came to bother her. In fact, her regular visitors were limited to the Fu family and Eric.

What she didn't expect was for two other people to come and visit her the day before she was announced to leave the hospital.

They were Bill and Andy. Jack was also surprised by their appearance.

They actually went to the front desk asking for her.

When Jack knew that the man in front of him was the man who had been rescued by Rachel that night, he had a strange expression.

Andy and Bill didn't stay in the ward for a long time. Once they left, Rachel glanced at Jack. "I seem to know them, but I can't remember who they are."

His heart ached as he explained to her how they met.

Although she wasn't losing her memory anymore, that didn't mean that she was regaining her lost memories.

The doctor still didn't know when she could be able to regain the lost memories.

Rachel's memory of Andy was blurred, but after what Jack had explained to her what had happened, she would never forget him again.

After visiting Rachel, Bill and Andy went back home.

It was actually not a coincidence that they visited Rachel. In fact, it was something they had planned a few days ago.

"Bill, she really is the intern back then," Andy commented.

Playing with the obsidian bracelet around his wrist, Bill curled his lips. "It should be her. I recognized her when she came to the hospital the other day."

"Why didn't you tell me?"


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