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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 332

The air was getting cold, and Rachel preferred to stay in bed during winter.

"Let's talk about it then," Bill said as he pointed to the top of the mountain. He then grabbed her arm and urged her on. "Let's get there first!"

It was already dusk when they finally got down the mountain.

And it was only five in the afternoon, but it was quickly getting dark all around them. Rachel rubbed her rumbling stomach. "Can we go back now?"

They walked to the car and got in. However, when Bill tried to start the car, it wouldn't start. He tried several times, but failed each time.

A bad feeling crept around her heart as she frowned. "Is it broken?"

"I think it is. I'll call them to send out a car for us," Bill answered with an awkward smile.

He took out his phone and was surprised that there was no signal. It appeared that they were outside of the service area of his phone.

They both wondered if they had no choice but to spend the night in the wilds. "We could check if there's a guesthouse nearby," Rachel suggested.

Jack went straight to look for Rachel as soon as he got off the plane. He rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one answered. To make matters worse, her phone was also powered off when he tried to call her.

After he had expressed his feelings for Rachel, he had had some urgent work abroad. He had asked his employees work overtime and had been able to finish the work that would originally need month to finish in just a week. He had flown back right away after he had finished the work.

He wanted to explain to Rachel in person, but he never expected that he wouldn't be able to find her once he got back.

It all felt so strange to him.

He was about to go to the hospital where she worked. He walked towards the elevator and waited. When the elevator doors finally opened, a fat woman got off while pushing a child's stroller. "Hey, do you live at the opposite apartment? You can't get inside?"

Apparently, Jack and Rachel's quarrel last time made their neighbor think that he lived there.

"I saw Rachel go out this morning and I asked her where she was going. She said that she was going mountain climbing. She probably hadn't come back yet," she narrated with a smile. "Do you happen to know which mountain she could have gone?" Jack asked with a frown.

The woman paused and thought for a while. "I think it's in the eastern suburbs. I don't really know all of the details," she replied.

Jack expressed his thanks and went off for the eastern suburbs. He tried to call Rachel over and over along the way, but her phone was still powered off and he couldn't reach her at all.

The moon rose steadily from one side of the mountain. The wind whistled as it blew through the surrounding forest. The evening in the mountain was cold and gloomy.

"I should have left some snacks so that we wouldn't be so hungry now," Rachel complained.

All that time, she was convinced that it would be easy to get down the mountain without the snacks, so she had eaten all of them.

"I'm sorry. I should have checked the car before I went out this morning," Bill said remorsefully. He felt responsible for the misfortune that happened to them.

"Maybe we are just unlucky," Rachel said with a smile.

As soon as she was done speaking, a dazzling light flashed into her eyes. She quickly raised her hand reflexively to cover her eyes from the light. The next thing they knew was the sound of a car door being opened and slammed shut close to where they were. "Get out!"

Jack exclaimed coldly.

Rachel was so surprised to hear Jack's voice. "What are you doing here?"

The thought that she wouldn't have to stay hungry anymore filled her mind. She immediately told Bill to get out of the car. "Let's take Jack's car to get back to the city. Then have someone to get back for this car tomorrow," she said in a hurried voice.

"Okay," Bill replied with a nod. He felt very bad about what happened.

He originally planned the climb as a date with Rachel, but he never expected it to backfire and end up like this.

Jack saw the interaction between Rachel and Bill as he approached their car. He grabbed her hand as soon as she got out of the car and dragged her to his car. He had her sit in the passenger seat and he himself sat in the driver's seat. Bill was still dawdling inside his car as Jack watched. He quickly became impatient with Bill so he honked several times to urge him to move faster.

"He might be getting something important from his car. Let's wait a little longer," Rachel suggested. "Why did you come here with him?" Jack asked with an irritated snort. "If I didn't come to see you tonight, the two of you will have to spend the entire evening in the wild!"

The thought that it was possible for Rachel to spend the night alone with Bill made Jack feel uncomfortable and anxious. He began making plans to prevent this from happening again. He had to think of an excuse to send Bill back to France, so that he wouldn't have to wander around with Rachel whenever his back was turned.

The night in the suburb was unusually quiet. Without the light of street lamps, the only light came from the small lights of the central control panel of the car. The light music was the only sound that could be heard as it blended with the cool evening air and the humming of the car's engine.

Everything was quiet until an unexpected voice broke the uncomfortable silence.

The corners of her lips twitched uneasily. "I'm a bit hungry. Can we check later for a restaurant that is still open and go eat?" Rachel asked in a timid voice.

She then turned to look at Bill, who sat quietly in the back seat. "What do you want to eat?" she asked casually.

"Up to you," Bill replied in a downcast tone. "You can choose whatever food you like. I am not really picky when it comes to food." "Yeah, you are not picky either when it comes to women," Jack muttered in a low voice as he drove the car.

His voice was so low that Rachel was not able to understand what he said. She leaned closer to him and asked, "What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly."

"Nothing," Jack replied flatly. His lips twitched irritatingly. He stepped on the gas and sped up. "I need to do something later. I'll drive you home, and you can cook whatever you like at home."


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