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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 337

"Mrs. Fu, what happened with you?" Austin asked in a concerned tone.

"My back hurts," Jack complained as he pointed at an area of his back.

Austin did not waste time and went to Jack's aid. He positioned himself at Jack's back and helped him stretch his back. "Feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes, better," Jack replied, obviously relieved.

Austin massaged his wrist gently as he turned it clockwise. "What did you do last night that hurt your back?" he asked.

"I slept on the floor," Jack replied lightly.

He initially planned to sleep inside Rachel's bedroom for an entire week, but it had only been one night, and his experience made him doubt that he could complete the entire week.

He didn't want to injure his back before he could get Rachel back.

"Is there something wrong with your bed, Mrs. Fu? Do you want me to call a furniture shop and order a new bed for you?" Austin offered. "No. But thanks, anyway," Jack replied. He waved his hand at Austin that indicated that he could leave his office. He stared blankly at the floor of his office for a brief moment after Austin had left. Austin's words gave him an idea.

It was almost morning when Rachel finally fell asleep because of what happened the evening before. She struggled to get up and go to work in time. However, since she lacked sleep, she felt tired during her entire shift.

She hurried to leave the hospital as soon as she ended her shift. When she got back home, she casually threw her handbag on the sofa in the living room. She then dragged herself up to the bedroom to get some much needed rest. When she opened the door to her bedroom, she was so surprised with the sight that greeted her that she stood at the door for some time.

Her bedroom was drastically rearranged while she was at work.

Her bed was moved to one side that was closer to the window. The single bed in the study was then moved into her bedroom and occupied the space near the opposite wall of the window.

There was still a small space between the two beds that was big enough for a bedside table.

"Jack!" Rachel shouted out. Displeasure could clearly be heard in her voice.

Jack rushed out of the bathroom and stared at Rachel. "Why? What's wrong?" he asked.

Rachel pointed at the single bed with a frown. "Why did you move the single bed here?" she asked.

"There are mosquitoes in the study," Jack complained to her.

Getting into a confrontation regarding the bed was inevitable, but she never expected that she would ultimately fail in this confrontation. She silently watched the almost unnoticeable smile on Jack's face as she felt her heart get filled with both helplessness and joy.

Jack stood in front of her without moving. He simply stared at her with the same expression on his face. After some time had passed, he raised a hand to the air as if he was about to promise something to her. "Rachel, we were just fine last night. I promise you, we will be fine too in the coming days. I'm sure of this."

"You talk too much, Jack," Rachel replied to Jack with a smile. She then approached him and poked his forehead gently with her forefinger. She had the same sweet smile on her face.

Unfortunately, the ringing of the phone interrupted the two. Rachel rushed to the sofa and picked up the phone. It was a call from Bill. He invited her to go out with him that evening.

There was hesitation in her expression after she answered the phone. So, Jack rushed to her and stuck his ear on one side of the phone to listen to whoever it was that talked from the other end of the call.

Rachel pushed him away and whispered to him, "Stop it..."

"What? Rachel, I really want to ask you out tonight. I'm not kidding," Bill said in a determined tone. He thought that she was talking to him.

Rachel stared at Jack as she said into the receiver of the phone, "It's a kid who was making trouble, not you."

"So, I'll pick you up later, then?" Bill asked. His voice was filled with the hope of spending time with Rachel that evening.

Jack felt disappointed that Rachel didn't end the call from Bill. Additionally, he felt unhappy that she called him a child. He suddenly looked serious and approached Rachel. "Rachel, get yourself ready. We're going out," he said in a commanding tone of voice. He made sure that his voice was loud enough to be heard through the phone.

Bill was in a daze as he sat on the sofa. He stared blankly at his phone. He felt certain that the voice that he heard from Rachel's end of the call was Jack's.

'Is it because of him that Rachel refused to go out with me?' he wondered.

Andy cooked himself a bowl of noodles and was about to pick up the chopsticks to start eating when he noticed Bill from the corner of his eye. He turned to him and watched him stare blankly at his phone. "Didn't you say that you would ask Rachel out tonight?" he asked in a puzzled tone. "So, why aren't you preparing for an evening with her then?"

He expected that Bill was already on his way out to meet Rachel. It was the reason why he cooked noodles only for himself.

Bill stood up from the sofa, walked mechanically towards Andy without saying a word. He then sat down in front of him. He sighed dejectedly in front of him before he spoke. "Cook me a bowl of noodles too. The date tonight is off."

"Why?" Andy asked confused.

"Maybe we're just not born to be with each other. My health..." This was always the thought that weighed heavily in Bill's heart.

But Andy was not in the mood to watch Bill's crestfallen mood. "Bill, I never knew you for a person who had an inferiority complex before. So, why are you giving up so easily?" he asked.

Unbeknownst to Andy, Bill changed a lot after he met Rachel.

Bill's only reply was to ask Andy to prepare dinner for him.

The rays of the early morning sun slowly crept into the bedroom and towards Rachel. Her biological clock kicked in and woke her up for work. She got up from bed and made a quick glance at Jack who slept soundly on the other bed. His quilt had fallen to the floor. She shook her head gently when she saw this.

It was one of those rare moments when he didn't seem so omnipotent.


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