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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 340

Before Rachel could answer, Bill's voice sounded from behind them. "Rachel, Andy's fine after taking the medicine. Let's go."


Jack finally withdrew himself as a bitter smile slipped into his lips.

A shiver shot down her spine.

Being the smart man that he was, Michael took two steps back. He glanced at the three of them cautiously as he crossed his arms. "I surely won't be bored tonight," he murmured to himself.

When Rachel got out of the car, she could almost feel the atmosphere thickening with tension. She glanced at Michael. "The party's about to start. Shouldn't you go in?"

"It doesn't matter. Besides, all we need to do is hand over the red packets. Jack would be finished here in a bit."

He shrugged.

She shuffled uncomfortably as the two men gazed at each other. They looked like a pair of bulls about to ram against each other. Jack was the first one to break the silence. He took a few steps forward and placed a hand on Bill's shoulder. "I didn't expect to see you again.

"Well, the city's not that big," Bill replied.

Jack smiled faintly.

"It seems that it wasn't enough that we had met abroad; we run into each other here as well. Isn't fate interesting?"

Rachel noticed the iciness crawling into his features, and her heart twitched at the sight. She immediately walked forward and tried to dispel the tension between them. "It's really not appropriate to stand and talk here," she insisted. "Do you want to find a place nearby so we can all catch up?"

"Don't bother." Jack's arm snaked around her waist as if he was declaring Rachel was his woman.

She frowned and pushed him. However, no matter how hard she tried to shove him, he still remained unmoving. Furthermore, the grip he had on her waist tightened at her every movement.

"Mr. Fu, shouldn't you attend the party? Rachel and I still have a dinner to get to." Bill tried to hold the woman's hand, but given that she was under Jack's grasp, he failed to do so.

"Rachel is going with you. How about I'll invite you to our house some other day? I'll ask her to cook for you. It's definitely better than the food outside."

He made sure to emphasize the words "our house." When Bill stiffened at his words, Jack grinned in satisfaction.

Bill reeled back as if he had been punched in the gut.

His expression changed almost immediately. "What do you mean by that?"

Afraid that it might affect his heart condition, Rachel waved it off. "You should go back tonight, Bill. I'll explain it to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Can't you tell me now?" With a hand on his chest, Bill heaved slightly.

Seeing this, Rachel struggled under Jack's grip, but she continually failed. Afraid that the man might faint, she whirled at Michael. "Don't just stand there," she snapped. "Help send him home."

Bill steadied himself and waved his hand. His face was pale. "It's fine. I can send myself home." "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

He didn't even give her a chance to say her farewells as he started the car and drove off. Staring at the gradually retreating car, Rachel sighed. "Can you let go of me?" she demanded weakly.

All of a sudden, he lifted her. Now, she could feel her feet dangling off the ground, and she gritted her teeth.

Afraid that they might be noticed, she tried her best to restrain her irritation. "What the hell do you want?"

Jack didn't answer. Instead, he threw the red packet to the man behind him. "I won't go," he said indifferently. "You can hand it over for me."


Michael shoved the red packet into his pocket and waved at the retreating couple. Once they were out of sight, he sighed and shook his head. "It's high time he acts like a man." He snorted.

When they arrived at her apartment, he didn't waste any time as he threw her onto the bed. She was about to get out when he pressed her down once again.

"Let go of me!" she roared.

"Let you go? Why? So you can go back to Bill?" Jack grabbed two of her wrists and raised it above her head.

Her face flushed at the implication of his words. Seeing as her hands were controlled by him, she kicked the sheets with her feet.

His eyes darkened. "Don't move!"

Stopping herself, her voice gradually turned cold. "How about we sit and have a good talk," she suggested.

Her voice was as calm as water, and it was like a bucket of ice had been thrown to his face. Jack froze, finally waking up from his daze.

He let go of her and stepped aside.

"Don't ever see him again," he said.

"He's a friend."

"That's bullshit and you know it!" He kicked the chair beside him. His eyes were rimmed red, and he couldn't stop himself from letting out a string of curses. "Have you seen the way he acts around you? The guy doesn't see you as a friend!


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