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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 348

Jack had just finished drinking water when he saw Rachel rush into his ward. His eyes lit up instantly at the sight of her. "Why are you running?" he asked as soon as she was within hearing distance.

Each time he saw Rachel, it brought a different kind of happiness to his heart like nothing in the world mattered at all anymore.

Rachel briefly stared back at him as she took his medical record from the end of the bed. The longer she looked at it, the more she frowned. After she studied his medical record, she looked so mad that she almost gritted her teeth. "Jack, you have a very high fever. How can you not feel it at all? And you even went to the company for a meeting? Have you taken the medicine I gave you on time?" she asked in a worried tone.

She looked angry. Her eyes became watery and her lips slightly trembled. The sight of her made Jack's heart feel heavy. He forced himself into a sitting position and looked at her anxiously. "I took the medicine as you asked, but I really don't know how I got a high fever."

Austin stood on one side in silence. He covered his mouth while he snickered for a while. He quickly coughed and cleared his throat when Jack suddenly turned towards him. "I swear that Mr. Fu took his medicine on time," he said suddenly.

He immediately cursed himself for lying. Just that noon, he poured a glass of water for Jack and reminded him to take the medicine. But Jack did not even took heed of what he said and instead pointed at the corner of the table indicating to him to put it aside. He thought that it was because the water was too hot and Jack would take the medicine later. But he never expected that the glass of water was not even touched at all when he went back in at half past three in the afternoon to remind Jack about the meeting.

"Mr. Fu, you haven't taken the medicine yet, have you?" Austin asked helplessly.

Jack touched his forehead and slightly gasped when he suddenly remembered. He checked his watch and said, "Let's have that meeting first."

Austin's words relaxed Rachel a little bit, but her expression was still a little angry. "If you catch a cold, you should make sure to take care of yourself, or your condition will get worse. Taking care of yourself ensures that you have the energy to do all of your work as well, am I right?"

She really admired Jack that he still had the energy to attend a meeting despite his high fever.

"Yes, of course! You are right!" Jack waved at Austin, signaling to him to leave the room.

He raised his hand, stared at her and swore, "I promise that it won't happen again."

"Who needs to listen to your promises? That's your body. It's yours to take care of. And I really don't care," Rachel replied indifferently.

Despite what she said, she still walked towards Jack, reached out her hand to touch his forehead and check his temperature. When she noticed that his temperature did not improve, she took out a towel and was about to bring it to the bathroom.

But Jack grabbed her clothes when she was about to go to the bathroom. She turned her head towards him and asked, "What are you doing, Jack?"

"Are you still angry?" Jack asked her in a gentle tone of voice.

She waved the towel in her hand at Jack with a slight frown. "Don't you see the towel in my hand, Jack? You're still burning with fever. I'll get the towel wet and place it on your head to help lower your temperature."

Outside the ward, Austin twitched his hands and instinctively leaned on the wall. He then pressed his ear against the door and listened to the two people inside as they talked. He couldn't help but giggle to himself. It seemed that only Rachel could tame Jack.

When it was only Austin and Jack in the ward, Austin had a hard time getting Jack to lie down on the bed. He claimed that he was feeling perfectly fine. It was then that Austin decided to call Rachel without notifying Jack. And he was surprised at how effective it was.

He concluded that if something like this ever happened again in the future, calling Rachel was the best course of action and everything would be just fine.

At that time, three company managers in black suits arrived without warning. Each one carried something in their hands. They had fruit baskets and different kinds of tonics with them. A voice called out to Austin as they approached Jack's room. "Austin, why are you standing outside? How is Mr. Fu? Is he feeling better?"

"What are you doing here?" Austin asked when he saw the three managers.

The manager in the middle of the group stepped forward. His glasses was balanced nicely on the bridge of his nose. "We passed by the hospital coming from a business transaction. So, we decided to drop by and see how Mr. Fu is doing, " he explained in a formal tone.

"So, how is Mr. Fu? We were so worried for him this afternoon," another one added. The slightly slimmer manager on the right looked worried as he listened to the conversation about Jack's condition, but his expression looked strange and gave Austin goose bumps.

"He's feeling better now, but he is not well enough to see visitors yet. I suggest you all go home for now," Austin said in a serious tone before the other manager was able to speak.

"What is Mr. Fu doing inside the ward?"

"You don't have to know all of these things now, do you?" Austin had been Jack's secretary for so many years, and the way he frowned looked similar to how Jack's frown.

A disappointed look masked the managers' eyes as they briefly glanced at each other. "Yes, we'd better not go in and disturb Mr. Fu's rest so that he could recover faster," one of the managers agreed. "Austin, please bring these presents to him in our behalf. Thank you."

He then placed the fruit basket near Austin's feet. After he placed down with his fruit basket, he noticed that his two companions were still at a loss as to what to do. So, he tapped their legs to get their attention. "Why are you two still standing there? What are you waiting for?"

The two suddenly snapped back to their senses. They hurriedly followed the example of the manager in the middle of the group. "Yes, thank you, Austin," they said as they placed their items at Austin's feet.

"Take care on your way back," Austin said as he bid them farewell. After they had turned and left, Austin immediately sent all the food to the nursing station and asked the nurses to share it among themselves.

The next morning, the ticking of the clock on the wall was the only sound as Rachel slowly opened her eyes. She saw Jack lying beside her. He had a hand at the side of his head to support it as he watched her with a smile.


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