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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 355

Lea turned her head to look at Henry, who was sending his two friends a helpless look while shrugging his shoulders. She smiled calmly, took out a folded piece of paper from her pocket, and spread it out on the table. "Yesterday, he gave me this letter of commitment and asked me to come back. I was afraid that he would go back on his word. So, I called all of you here as my witnesses."

Henry stared at Lea for a while and sighed in resignation. However, his eyes were full of love for her. "Yes, you all can remind me from time to time. If I drank until two or three o'clock in the evening, I could never enter the house again.

Before she could say anything, Rachel saw Michael exaggeratedly clutch at Henry's arm and heard him exclaim, "How dare you two lovebirds flaunt your love in front of a single man like me!

"Don't say that. When you get married in the future, you will know how it feels." Jack swirled the wine in his glass and smiled faintly.

"Why do you sound so experienced?" Rachel asked, amused by his words. She placed her left hand on his shoulder and said, "I don't think I have ever asked you to write any sort of guarantee like that." "You're the best."

Rachel was used to his sweet words and so rolled her eyes at his playful wink. She was about to continue eating when she found the other three people staring at them in surprise.

The chopsticks slipped from Michael's hand to the floor.

Rachel was slightly taken aback. She slipped up just then, but she recovered after a few moments. Carefully placing a piece of braised pork into Lea's bowl, she encourage the other woman, "Carry on."

Lea looked like she was struck by lighting and said in a loud voice, "Rachel! I really admire you!

"You two are behaving more and more like a couple, and the way she speaks is starting to mirror yours," Michael said, patting Jack's arm. "You really value your woman more than your friend. You have never been that kind to me."

Jack raised a single eyebrow. "If you were a woman, I would be nice to you, too."

After thinking about it for a while, Michael waved his hand in disgust and said, "Forget it."

"Well, I say that this day belongs to Henry and Lea." Jack easily steered the topic back to the two of them. With a faint smile on his face, he turned toward Lea and asked, "So, what should we do?" As expected, Lea immediately stopped interrogating Rachel and slapped a palm on her forehead. "Ah, I almost forgot!"

She stood up, took three pens from the study, and distributed them to the three. "You can just sign your names on this guarantee," she said with a smile.

After they did as she said,

Lea stared down at the guarantee with their names on it and went to the study, stating her intention to have the piece of paper framed.

Looking at her childlike look of happiness and satisfaction, Rachel felt her lips curve upwards, infected by the other woman's light mood.

On the way home, Rachel talked about the couple with a trace of envy in her tone.

Jack raised a hand to gently stroke her hair and said, "Don't worry. We will do better in the future."

Knowing that Jack was focused on driving, Rachel stared out the window, deep in thought. In such a vast sea of people, it was not easy to find a person who knew and loved you.

The warm sunshine and the blue coast were supposed to provide a relaxing atmosphere, but Bill had been unable to sleep at night since he came here. The contents of his jar of sleeping peels had seriously decreased. Every night before he went to bed, Rachel's face always appeared in front of his eyes. He kept telling himself that it was time to move on. However, the more he told himself that it should be done, the more he found it impossible to let go.

He was going insane.

At this time, the housekeeper took his mobile phone and went to the beach to look for him. "Sir, you left your phone in the room. There were three calls just now, so I brought it to you."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble."

A glance at his phone screen revealed a strange landline number. And that number called him three times. So he called back and the caller ringtone said that the number was that of the police station in Ninwell City.

He frowned tightly. When the line was connected, the person on the other end immediately asked, "Do you know a certain Andy Xu?"

"Yes, I know him.


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