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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 364

When the bell rang, Rachel left the office and went to the dressing room. Taking out the dress she brought from home this morning, she put it on.

Last night, Jack promised her that they would visit the Fu family in the evening. Today, they were supposed to reveal their intention to remarry.

Rachel was looking forward to it. After all, what Jonathan wanted the most was for them to live happily. This would indeed make the old man happy.

At this time, Jonathan was flipping through an old photo album, sitting crouched in the study. Every time he looked at a photo, he would let out a sigh. Time had moved quickly. But figments of his past brought him both joy and sadness.

While he was immersed in the old days, Julie's voice came, interrupting him from his thoughts. Jonathan swiftly closed the album and kept it back in the safe. After he was sure it had been locked, he looked at the maid and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Jack and Rachel are here," Julie said. "I would have called Mrs. Fu, but she happens to be out with her friend."

"I'll go down the stairs soon."

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Jonathan walked out of the study with his walking stick. Standing at the top of the stairs, he looked down. He caught sight of the two of them sitting on the sofa. They looked genuinely happy and it pleased him.

However, a hint of worry entered into his heart. But Jonathan couldn't let them see it. As he went down the stairs, he had a smile plastered on his face. "Here you are!"


Jack held Rachel's hand and stood up. The gentle smile in his eyes became more and more intense. "I came here today to give you and Mom a piece of good news."

The diamond ring on Rachel's finger glistened, giving away the good news to Jonathan.

Jonathan's eyes fell on it but then looked away quickly. Pretending not to know anything, he raised his eyes and asked curiously, "Is it so? What is the good news?"

Jack pinched Rachel's hand and said to Jonathan, "We are going to remarry, and it is our dream to hold a grand wedding."

"What?" exclaimed a woman from behind. The three of them looked at the direction from which the voice had come. It was none other than Tracy. She came striding in, holding several shopping bags in her hands. "What did you say just now?" she asked, praying she had heard it wrong.

"They are going to remarry." This time, it was Jonathan who answered her question. He laughed and said, "It seems that I have a foresight. Jack, do you remember how against you were with my decision? And look now! Aren't you thankful now?"

Jack didn't expect that Jonathan would suddenly mention the past. The mere thought of it made him annoyed with himself. He didn't even want to think about the time when he didn't love Rachel. Rubbing his nose, he said awkwardly, "Let bygones be bygones, right?"

"Well, I won't mention it again. I do wish you both succeed in living a happy life. Also, make sure you don't divorce each other over some minor issue. Marriage requires patience and hard -work." As he spoke, Jonathan glanced at Tracy, who had been expressionless since she heard the news. He coughed and said, "Go to the kitchen and check what Julie is preparing for dinner. Do ask her to make more dishes."

Then he shifted his gaze to the couple and asked, "I am guessing you both will have dinner with us, won't you?"

They nodded their heads in unison. However, Tracy turned deaf ear to her husband's words. She stood there blankly and took a stealthy glance at the two of them holding hands. She couldn't help but sigh with defeat. 'In the end, I can't stop them from being together!' she thought.

Noticing her expression, Jonathan coughed once again and said, "Join me to the study!"

Looking at their expressions, Rachel understood something was amiss. This wasn't the first time she had observed it.

After the two of them were out of their sight, Rachel whispered, "Why is Mom and Dad behaving differently? Do you think they don't want us here?"

"Rubbish! You are just overthinking." Jack raised his hand and rubbed Rachel's head. He looked composed on the outside. But deep down, he was more worried than her. He could evidently tell some serious issue was going on. 'What is bothering them?' he wondered, determined to find out.

He nudged Rachel lightly and said, "Since Mom has gone upstairs, you should go to the kitchen and see what Julie is cooking."

Rachel got up at once and made her way to the kitchen. When he was sure she couldn't see him, he too got up and made his way to the study.

Standing at the door of the study, Jack could hear Jonathan's voice clearly. Suddenly, Jonathan pounded his fist on the table angrily and shouted, "Didn't I ask you to let go of the past? Why do you seem determined to cling onto it?

Rachel is a sensitive girl. Don't you think the way you looked at them is bound to worry them? We are already in a mess and you are making it worse!"


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