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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 370

In Rachel's opinion, Marcus must have been tired of his family affairs. Being born and raised in a well-off family, he might have been bored with money and other material things, so the simple and unsophisticated Celia attracted his attention. Perhaps she was like a breath of fresh air to him.

But the way Celia behaved in front of Rachel was unforgivable.

Rachel couldn't figure out why Celia had thought that she had a hand in the rumors that spread about her. After all, they were friends. 'She is supposed to trust me,' she thought annoyingly.

The flow of traffic gradually became slow. Rachel was carefully following the car in front of her, but her mind was wandering, keeping her focus away from the road. As a result, she failed to notice that the car in front of her had already stopped. She only realized that she made a mistake after hearing the loud bumping sound.

"Oh, my God! What have I done?" she muttered under her breath. She peered through the window and noticed the big dent at the back of the other car.

The owner of the car got out. His face turned red in an instant after seeing how much damage his car had gotten. Brimming with rage, he rolled up his sleeves, knocked on Rachel's window, and roared, "Get out!"

As soon as Rachel got out, the man pointed to his car and roared again, "Is this your first time to drive? Who the hell issued a driver's license to someone like you?"

It was indeed her fault, and she was more than willing to own up. But she was stunned watching the man cursing in front of her, not showing even an ounce of decency. She couldn't take it any longer, so she said with a frown, "I'm sorry, sir. But don't worry, I'll make sure to pay for all the damages to your car. I'll come with you to the repair shop, so we can check how much it will cost."

Upon hearing that she was willing to pay, the man's face softened a little and he said, "You don't have to waste your time, miss. Just give me the money, and I will go to the repair shop to have it fixed."

It sounded like a fair deal to her, so without wasting any more time, she asked, "How much do you need?"

The wicked man unhesitatingly demanded an exorbitant price. Raising his two fingers, he motioned and answered, "Twenty thousand dollars will do."

Rachel stared at him, hoping to see any sign that he was only kidding. But he looked earnest with his words, so she gave him a disgusted look and called the traffic police and her insurance company. She then said to the man, "At first, I thought that it was my fault, and I wanted to sort it out quickly. But now I realized it would be much better if we go through the normal process. Let's wait for the police to arrive."

The man glared at her and was about to curse her again when her phone suddenly rang. He had no choice but to watch her get back into her car to answer the call.

It was Jack, who asked in a tired voice, "Are you home?"

"No, not yet. It's only five o'clock in the morning there in America. Why are you up so early?"

Jack was smiling bitterly at the other end of the line when he replied, "I've been busy since I got here. And now that I have some free time, I am missing you miserably."

Before he could continue sweet-talking, he suddenly heard some noises in the background. Frowning, he asked, "Why is it so noisy? Where are you?"

Rachel raised her head and peeped outside. The traffic police were very efficient to arrive within a few minutes. They were now standing outside, listening to the man's rant. 'I wonder what he is telling them,' she thought worriedly. She had to get out of the car and speak to them. She was about to end the call when one of the traffic police came over and knocked on her window. He asked, "Miss, did you hit that gentleman's car?"

She hadn't ended the call yet, so Jack surely heard everything. To prove her suspicion right, she heard him yell, "Rachel, are you okay? Have you had an accident?"

This time, she had no choice but to come clean. "Yes, I had a rear-end collision. The traffic police are here now, so I have to deal with them first. I'll call you back once I sort everything out."

For the traffic police, this kind of road accident was an everyday occurrence, so it was only ordinary. They spoke to both parties involved and get their statement, then Rachel signed the full responsibility accident report, and let the insurance company take care of the compensation.

As a result, the man was not able to get an extra penny despite his determination to gain some money out of it. Thus, he was a bit annoyed seeing how the problem was solved so easily. He became more and more impolite and even gave Rachel a death stare from time to time.

Feeling quite disturbed by how he was behaving, Rachel lowered her head, pretending she wasn't seeing him. She then fixed her gaze to the insurance staff, who was filling out some documents. However, the man came to her again and cursed. She couldn't take it anymore, so she retorted, "You know what? This is my first time to come across with such an ill- mannered man like you. I've apologized to you from the very start and took all the blame for my mistake, yet I see no change in your attitude. Are you not satisfied that I am doing my best to make amends for my carelessness?"

Rachel gained support of the onlookers surrounding them. The insurance staff and the traffic police also agreed with her. All these made the man get more annoyed. He touched his nose and vented his anger on the insurance staff. "Are you not finished yet? You people are working at a snail's pace!"

All insurance company staff were used to people talking nicely to them. Normally, those who were involved in accidents would use the politest tone when conversing with them to coax the insurance company to pay more compensation. After all, they had the final say on how much the insurance company would pay.

But this man was quite different. Writhing with rage, he kept on blabbering unreasonably. It looked like he didn't even know what calmness meant. If he thought that being crude would help him, he made a huge mistake.

After the insurance staff quickly checked everything, he clapped his hands and said, "There is no debris on the ground. I only found some dents and scratches on the trunk. The car can easily be repaired and repainted. The total cost is around..."

But before he could finish his words, the man patted him on the shoulder stiffly, pointed at the tilted rear bumper, and said, "Are you blind? Can't you see any problem here?"

"Oh..." The staff pretended to be enlightened and said, "Yes, there is indeed something wrong here. However, I was busy listening to you blabbering that my mind got so distracted. Because of you, I wasn't able to do my job properly."

The man understood that the insurance staff was taunting him as if saying it was all his fault.


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