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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 380

"With whom? How did you know?"

"It is here in newspaper! She is the daughter of the Chen family. They come from families of equal social rank!" In an envious tone, the other one said, "I see. This is on today's news. How lucky she is!"

"Why do you look sad? Such marriages look glamorous only on the outside. They are definitely not as happy as you and your husband."

"Huh, you didn't have to mention him. The other night I had asked him to clean up the room but he..."

Rachel stopped paying attention to their words. Quickly, she flipped the newspaper, searching for something. Finally her eyes fell on the content she was looking for. What the two women had said was indeed true! Her face was frozen due to shock. Unable to believe it, she read it once again, word by word.

'What if Celia comes to know about this?'

The consequences were unimaginable. She didn't want to think of it.

The next day, Rachel drove Jack's car to the hospital. She rushed to Celia's ward, but was told by the nurse that she had left last night. Just when she was about to call her, her phone beeped with a message. "Rachel, I'm fine now. I'm with my father. By the way, I wanted to let you know I've submitted my resignation letter. Once my father's condition improves, I will go to Joy City."

Rachel had a vague memory of Celia mentioning her aunt who had married and gone to Joy City. Although she rarely visited her, she called and texted Celia often. Truth be told, Rachel believed it would be good for Celia to live with someone who cared about her.

'But what about Marcus?' Rachel wondered. She didn't want their relationship to end like this.

While Rachel was engulfed within these thought, someone grabbed her arm. Lifting her head, she noticed it was Lea.

"How come you are here?" Rachel asked, looking utterly surprised by her sudden appearance.

Lea didn't bother to give her an answer. Instead she said, "I'll take you to watch a good show."

Rachel couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. She opened her mouth, ready to ask several questions. But Lea held her hand and took her to the car.

Once inside, Rachel looked around and noticed they were on the riverside road. Then, Lea slowed down and stopped in front of an open-air cafe.

Lea pointed to the coffee shop across the street and said, "I called Eden this morning to come here."

"Why did you do that?"

Rachel asked and opened her eyes wide. "Hurry up. I have to go to work. I don't have time to waste like you."

"I am not here to waste time. Instead this is an important task. You don't want Marcus to marry this woman, do you?"

On receiving no reply, Lea looked straight into Rachel's eyes and said, "Celia is not in a position to fix things. But you and I are capable of helping her. Don't you want to do it? Rachel, are you going to let your friend down?"

Rachel obviously loved Celia with all her heart, but had no idea how she could amend things. The news that Marcus and Eden would get married had broken out.

Rachel didn't answer immediately. Instead, she stared at Lea, wondering what was brewing in her mind.

"Lea, you know how much I love Celia. I would have done something if I could do it. But things are damaged beyond repair. Let's stay out of it, shall we?"

"No, it is not. We will fix it!" Lea squeaked and her eyes lit up. Swiftly opening the door, she got out of the car, as if something thrilling had happened.

Eden looked at the menu in her hand and said softly, "A cappuccino and a latte, please. Serve the latte a bit later. As you can see, my fiance hasn't arrived yet."

"Okay." The waiter left with a smile.

She took out her phone and checked if there were any new messages for Marcus. Although the tone he had used was very formal, it still made her happy. After all, it was the first time that Marcus had taken the initiative to send a message. 'One step at a time,' she thought to herself, feeling happy.

However, as time passed, her happiness was replaced by frustration. She kept checking her phone, over and over again. While her eyes were glued onto the phone, she felt a man occupy the seat opposite to her.

Eden's eyes lit up. "Marcus, here you are!"

But soon she realized her blunder. It wasn't Marcus, but a strange man she had never set her eyes on before. He was sitting there calmly, like he was invited. "Who are you?" she asked with annoyance.

With a wisp of hair on his forehead, Eric smiled and said, "I saw you alone so I decided to sit down and have a chat with you." He snapped his fingers, and then the waiter brought a cup of latte.

Eden's face darkened. Without turning her head, she said to the waiter, "I don't know this man. Please ask him to leave."

The waiter looked back and forth between the two carefully and said, "But this gentleman just said he was looking for you."

Eric took a sip of his coffee and waved his hand, saying, "Okay, you can leave now. She is a little angry, that's all."

Eden wouldn't understand the scene that was unraveling before her.

Eric laughed. "You certainly don't know me, but I know you. Since you are Marcus' fiancee, you are my rival in love."

His expression suddenly became a little fierce.

Eden was stunned and didn't know what to say. 'What could he mean by that?' she wondered.

This had to be some kind of a joke!

Seeing the disbelief in her eyes, Eric decided to up his game. He picked up the coffee cup with his fingers. Even though he was sitting normally, crossing his legs, his actions seemed a little sissy.

He smiled and reached out his hand to her. "Hello, my name is Carl Chen. Marcus likes to call me little Carl when we are alone." After this, he blushed.

Eden was so stunned that her mouth was agape.

At this moment, hidden beside the parterre, Rachel patted heavily on Lea's shoulder and asked, "Is it your idea? It is horrible!"

Lea raised her head and burst into laughter. She rubbed her belly with one hand and said, "Oh, I can't laugh anymore. My belly hurts. Rachel, I didn't know Eric was such a fantastic actor."


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