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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 416

Before everything had happened, Rachel could barely remember Jack's goodness while he was still by her side. She could only think of the negatives, like how he had kept his entanglement with other women from her, as well as that woman who could have been her twin in terms of looks.

Now, something this unexpected had happened. She sat there outside of the operating room, and his many kindnesses flashed in her mind like a movie.

There were those days when she was in a rotten mood for no apparent reason; he had no qualms being her emotional punching bag and often tried to coax her out of her bad mood. Even when she was angry and didn't want to talk to him, he still sent her the weather forecast accompanied by his own reminder for her to be careful not to catch a cold.

People said, "You don't know what you've got until it's gone." Wasn't this particularly true in her case right now?

Her nose started smarting, and she raised a hand to wipe the tears that had started to well up in her eyes. She fervently prayed in her heart for his well-being. Rachel was so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice Tracy staring at her searchingly with a frown on her face. No one knew what she was thinking about.

"Rachel!" Suddenly, Tracy called her name and sat down beside her. "Had Jack been with you these past few days?" she asked.

Rachel gradually managed to calm down and nodded, "Yes."

"Then why did he go to the neighboring city?"

Rachel clearly saw the small flare of anger in Tracy's eyes. She pursed her lips and whispered, "I have no idea."

She suddenly heard the other woman exhale with a huff. Trembling with anger, Tracy stood up, pointed at her, and said in an agitated voice, "Rachel, back then, it was our fault and we owed you and the Shen family. But shouldn't all those years of carrying that burden of guilt be enough? Ask yourself, has the Fu family done you any wrong since you were a child?"

Suddenly, Jonathan came up to them, grabbed Tracy's arm, and said harshly, "That's enough! Jack is still in the operating room. Don't you think it's inappropriate of you to be saying these things under the circumstances?"

"Why not?"

Tracy raised her hand and angrily brushed away the tears that had sprung in her eyes. She growled, "I have to say it now because Jack is paying the price!" She again turned to face Rachel. "Jack gave you his heart and soul. He kept all of this from you because he was afraid that you would leave him once you found out. But you—you never gave him the chance to explain his side of the story after you heard it from your aunt! Do you have any idea how tortured Jack felt? You've never cared about him from the beginning up to now. As his mother, I tried to persuade him into forgetting you, but nothing worked. Now that you're back in his life, we would have let bygones be bygones if you were at least willing to try to make things work out between the two of you. But did you even try to get along with him? Austin told me that Jack didn't have to go on this business trip personally, but he volunteered to do so. I think you know the reason, don't you? Rachel, I want to ask you a single question: are you finally satisfied to see Jack suffer like this?"

Rachel's words were stuck in her throat, and her whole body trembled. She did not know how to answer Tracy's impassioned diatribe. Feeling sick, she stumbled a little, and it was a good thing that Julie quickly moved to support her.

Jonathan's face darkened. "Will you shut up?"

Tracy glared at him and huddled by herself in a corner, covering her mouth with her hands and weeping. She had thought it through. Although Rachel was carrying Jack's flesh and blood, what use would it be?

She only had one son, and she couldn't bear Jack's suffering. If anything else went wrong, she knew that she would collapse. As long as her son came out of this ordeal alive and well, she could still have other grandchildren in the future.

Rachel was sitting on the chair, shell-shocked. One question was stuck in her head —"Am I satisfied to see Jack suffer?" Was it true? If she hadn't lost her temper with him, would he have come to the neighboring city for the business trip? If so, could the car accident have been avoided?

At the sight of Rachel's pale face and trembling lips, Jonathan heaved a heavy sigh and patted her shoulder gently in an attempt to comfort her. "Rachel, go home and try to have a good rest. We'll be right here with Jack. It's all right."

However, she raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes and insisted, "I won't leave until Jack's operation is over."

"Judging from Tracy's condition, I think it's not appropriate for you to stay here. I'll call you as soon as we get word about Jack's surgery. You can come back by then," Jonathan said.

Julie also tried to persuade her. After glancing for a moment at Tracy's trembling shoulders and the closed door of the operating room, Rachel stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go back now. Please call me as soon as Jack comes out."

The sunlight outside the hospital was so glaring bright that Rachel had a problem opening her eyes. Julie followed her outside to help, but the woman didn't know what to say.

The two of them walked down the street for an indeterminately long period, the silence stretching out between them. Rachel gradually regained her senses. She looked at Julie, whose legs were starting to give out on her because of the long walk. She said in a faint voice, "Let's go back to the hotel."

On the way to the city, they booked a hotel, which was located only about half a kilometer away from the hospital.

As soon as they entered the hotel lobby of the hotel, Rachel heard a familiar voice call her name.


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