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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 425

As the boy, Gary, raised his head, Rachel saw that his face flushed, and his eyes were red and swollen. Perhaps he had cried too much just now because he still choked. He said to Rachel, "I fought with Grandma. I'm running away from home now."

Rachel was stunned.

She asked with a frown, "Why did you fight with your grandma? What happened?"

"Grandma wants to find a new wife for Dad." After saying this, Gary sobbed again.

Listening to his aggrieved cry, Rachel's heart softened in an instant. She couldn't help feeling sorry for the child. His mother had just passed away, and yet, his grandmother wanted to find a new wife for his father. It must be too difficult for him to accept.

Children nowadays were more precocious than before. They could easily learn any information on TV and the Internet.

Rachel could tell that Gary wanted to challenge his grandmother. Obviously, he wanted to show her that he was against her plan.

Rachel took out a piece of tissue from her bag and wiped Gary's little face gently. She then said in a soft voice, "Have you tried talking to your Dad? What did he say?"

Gary rubbed his red eyes before he said grievously, "Dad is still at work. I don't know what time he will come back."

Rachel heaved a sigh and held his hand. She then said to him, "It's so late now. Let me drive you home, okay? Your dad will definitely worry if he comes home and you're not there."

Gary lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "I don't want to go back home."

Rachel felt helpless. She couldn't let the boy walk around the street alone at this time of the night. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Gary shook his head. His stomach seemed to have also heard Rachel's question as it grumbled as a response. She then said with a smile, "Let's find a restaurant nearby. What do you want to eat?"

Somehow, the little boy's mood seemed to have lightened up.

He tilted his head and looked at Rachel with expectant eyes. "I want to eat steak. Dad hasn't taken me out to eat for a long time."

"Okay. You can eat anything you want today."

Rachel took out her phone to check for nearby restaurants. After finding a place to eat, she hailed a taxi. She opened the door and was about to let Gary in when they suddenly heard an anxious voice from behind. It was Jimmy, who ran towards them.

He was panting, and his face was full of anxiety and fear. But as soon as he saw Gary standing beside Rachel, he felt relieved.

Squatting down, he held Gary's hand and said with a frown, "What's wrong with you? How could you run away from home at such a young age? Do you know how many places I have been to just to look for you? I'm already thinking of reporting to the police."

Gary lowered his head, his eyes began to moisten again. "I hate Grandma."

When Rachel noticed that the child's mood started to become gloomy again, she couldn't help saying, "Jimmy, please don't blame Gary for now. Maybe you can talk to him about this after he calms down a little."

It was only then that Jimmy noticed her. "Rachel, it's you. I'm sorry, I didn't notice you."

"It's alright. I saw Gary alone, and I'm worried about him, so I'm supposed to take him to have supper first."

"Thank you so much. If not for you, I don't know what could have happened to him. I don't even know where to find him." Jimmy shook his head slightly. A trace of exhaustion was visible in his eyes.

He then waved at Gary, hinting the child to come over.

Rachel looked at Gary and thought for a while. She then turned to Jimmy and said, "Jimmy, I know I am an outsider, and I have nothing to do with your family affairs. But seeing how affected Gary is, I can't help saying some things to you. I hope you will communicate with him more often. He is just a child. For him, things are all simple. He can't understand what adults like us think, so he needs your guidance. I hope you know what I mean."

"I know,"

Jimmy nodded. "I've already talked to my mother."

Garry looked up at him and asked in a childish voice, "Grandma won't find you a wife anymore?"

"No, she won't." Jimmy shook his head helplessly.

"Yehey! That's great!"

Gary jumped and cheered. Rachel couldn't help smiling upon seeing how happy he became.

It was already late when Rachel came out of the hospital. And since she met Gary outside, she got more delayed. The phone in her bag was already ringing. Maybe Julie was calling her to check why she hadn't come home yet. She said goodbye to Jimmy and Gary. "It's getting late. I need to go now."


Gary let go of Jimmy's hand and ran towards Rachel. Pulling the hemline of her dress, he asked confusedly, "Aunt Rachel, aren't we going to have steak together?"

Jimmy also walked forward and said with a smile, "I haven't had supper yet, and it's too late for me to cook now. How about having dinner together? After all, I owe you for stopping this little brat for me."

"No, thanks," Rachel refused with a smile.


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