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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 427

"Thank you."

Rachel took her phone from Gary's grandma. At that moment, her phone rang. Celia's cheerful voice was particularly loud.

"Rachel, are you free right now? I want to buy something for Marcus. Can you come with me?"

Rachel glanced at her watch. It was still too early for dinner, so she agreed. After ending the call, she said goodbye to Tracy and Gary's grandma just as a cab pulled over.

She was about to open the taxi's passenger door when Tracy's voice stopped her. "My car is here. I'll drive you there."

After a barely noticeable pause, Rachel said, "Okay." She walked with Tracy to her car and got in.

It was very quiet in the car, and the silence was broken only by the buzz of warm air wafting from the air conditioner.

Rachel turned her head to look out of the window. After a moment, Tracy asked, "Are you friends with her son?"

Rachel was stunned. How did Tracy know that Gary's grandma had a son? After a few moments of careful thought, she failed to come up with a plausible excuse. Finally, she answered truthfully, "His wife was a patient in our hospital.

Tracy nodded and said nothing. She just tapped the back of the driver's seat and said, "Play some music."

Oddly enough, there was no traffic jam even though it was a weekend. Soon, they arrived at the gate of the shopping mall, and the driver stopped the car. Rachel said her goodbyes and got out of the car.

In the past, she and Tracy had never been close with one another. In the occasions when they had to sit together, they usually remained silent. Now, after what had happened, the atmosphere between them had become even more awkward.

The driver started the car again and asked as usual, "Mrs. Fu, are you going home now?"

Tracy opened her eyes and said in a cold voice, "No, drive me back to my friend."

As it turned out, Gary's grandma was actually Tracy's friend. The two of them had made an appointment to go shopping together, and she had just dropped her off at her house. The last thing she expected was for Rachel to come out of the other woman's house.

Tracy knew Gary's grandma very well, and she could tell her attitude just now was weird. When they arrived at the address, Tracy called Gary's grandma to come down. The two sat in the car, and the driver got out of the car to have a smoke.

Tracy smiled and asked, "Why did I see Rachel leaving your home just now?"

The other woman patted Tracy's hand on her lap and said, "I did ask my grandson about it. He told me that he was the one who called her and that they had a meal with her before."

Tracy frowned and thought, 'Am I being paranoid?'

Just as she was about to respond to the her friend with a smile, the other woman suddenly said something that made her heart tremble.

With a joyful look on her face, she said with a smile, "Didn't I ask you to help my son look for a suitable woman? I don't think that's necessary now. I think Rachel will do admirably. My grandson likes her very much."

For a moment, Tracy's face suddenly darkened, but she still forced a smile and said perfunctorily, "I understand."

Tracy had never been happy with her son's choice and had always hoped that Rachel would leave Jack. However, after hearing her friend talk about Rachel, she felt a sense of disquiet.

After all, rejecting someone and being rejected were totally different. With nothing else to do, Jonathan sat in the courtyard playing chess with himself. He put down a black piece, picked up a white piece, and deliberated where on the board to place. Suddenly, he heard Tracy yell, "Well, aren't you so carefree? You're still in the mood to play chess at home? Do you even know what's going on?"

"What happened? Why are you so anxious?" Without raising his head, Jonathan stared at the chessboard in front of him.

Tracy huffed and sat down opposite him. "Guess who I met just now."

"How should I know?" Jonathan replied casually, all of his attention focused on the chess pieces in front of him.

With a deep frown on her face, Tracy swiped a few chess pieces off the board and threw them into their box, which she placed over her legs. Irritated, Jonathan glared at her. "Why did take away my chess pieces?"

"If I didn't take them away, would you listen to me?"

Jonathan helplessly shook his head at that logic and finally gave in. "Fine. Tell me, I'm listening."

For the next few minutes, Tracy proceeded to tell Jonathan in detail how Rachel was welcomed into the Yang family. The frown on Jonathan's forehead deepened. After she finished speaking, he commented without thinking, "That's impossible. I know Rachel well, and she would never do such a thing."

"You don't know her well. Now I'm starting to doubt whether the baby she's carrying is actually our grandchild or not!"

At those words, Jonathan suddenly raised his hand and thumped the table heavily. The remaining pieces on the chessboard shook and then fell to the floor. He stood up and said in a strong voice, "There's nothing wrong with meeting up with a friend. Don't talk nonsense. You can't speak of this matter ever again."

Trace was a bit cowed by the sight of his livid face, but she pressed on. "I'm Jack's mother. I won't allow my son be cuckolded."


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