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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 430

Rachel smiled at Celia, but her calm face belied the turmoil in her heart. She said slowly, "Well, I can't confront that woman, nor can I get even with Jack. I should not be angry for the sake of the baby I'm carrying. That's the reason why I said that this matter has nothing to do with me."

She flashed the other woman another smile and added, "It's getting late, Celia. You should go back to your work now."

In a daze, Celia nodded and walked out of the office. She closed the door and slowly pulled her hand away from the doorknob. Her head tilted quizzically, Celia stared at the door in confusion.

She came to Rachel's office this morning to see her reaction while keeping everything a secret from her. Since Rachel had already found out, she was hoping that Rachel could clarify everything with Jack. However, it seemed that Rachel was not going to do so.

Behind the door, the smile at the corners of Rachel's mouth disappeared. She picked up the newspaper again and spread it in front of her.

The bite mark on her lips remained obvious. She gently touched her injured lip, feeling the scab that had started to form over it. Rachel barked out a short, self-deprecating laugh. Last night, Jack held her in his arms and asked her why she couldn't forgive him. In the blink of an eye, he went to another woman, and his news of his latest indiscretion was plastered all over the media.

How could she forgive him and his behavior?

Rachel felt a bit stupid for feeling worried about Jack the night before. She even called up Michael and asked him to take care of him.

Belatedly, she realized that Julie must have stuffed the newspapers in the cabinet earlier that day.

Rachel raised a hand and rubbed her face. Although she kept telling herself not to care and overthink, she couldn't keep herself from feeling bitter and heartbroken.

Scarlett had been packing the whole morning and finally put everything she needed into her suitcase. She carefully placed a folded a piece of paper containing an address into one of the suitcase's outer pockets. She was about to step out when her doorbell rang.

She hurriedly opened the door and was surprised when a young woman threw her arms around her neck and held on tight. "Scarlett! It's been a really long time!"

It was Scarlett's younger cousin, Kailey Chen, who had been working as a receptionist in a hotel in another city. She had seldom visited Scarlett before.

Scarlett firmly pushed her cousin back by the shoulder and asked, "Have you been fired again?"

Kailey took a step back and scratched her head with a sheepish look on her face. "No, I quit."

Kailey never made good grades as a student, so she ended up going to a vocational school. After graduation, she went to another city with others from the same school. However, she had never held a stable job and often switched jobs every two months.

When her family found that she had been working as a hotel receptionist for nearly two years, they all felt relieved at the thought that she had finally found a stable job. They wouldn't be pleased to find out what happened to Kailey.

At the sight of Scarlett's frown, Kailey latched onto her arm and said fawningly, "Scarlett, our relationship has always been the best. My parents have no idea that I'm back, so please help me hide form them, okay? I'll definitely get scolded again once they find out that I'm out of a job again."

Scarlett's mouth twitched. She was about to deliver some scolding of her own when her phone rang. The driver of the cab she had booked said that he had already arrived downstairs, so she had to give up on the scolding and poked Kailey's forehead. "I'll teach you a lesson when I'm available." Kailey chuckled and suddenly noticed the suitcase in Scarlett's hand. She asked, "Are you leaving?"

At those words, the corners of Scarlett's mouth turned up, and she replied with her eyes dancing merrily, "I got myself a boyfriend. He just gave me a house, so I'm moving in today."

"Can I come with you?"

Scarlett couldn't resist her cousin's request and the temptation to show off. The two cousins went to the gated community together and found the house. She opened the door with her key and relished Kailey's amazed exclamation behind her.

She kept asking, "Scarlett, what sort of boyfriend are you dating? How could he give you such an awesome house?

This is even better than the presidential suite in my hotel!"

Scarlett listened to her cousin's comments and non-stop questions, her vanity satisfied at once. She smiled proudly and said, "I will introduce him to you someday."

"Forget it. It's shameful to introduce someone like me to that boyfriend of yours."

Kailey knew very well what kind of person Scarlett was. She walked up to her cousin and again linked her arm through hers, saying in an ingratiating tone, "When you become rich, don't forget that I'm your cousin. You know that I have nothing: no job, boyfriend, or money."

Scarlett had lived her entire life envying other people. Now that she was the one being envied and flattered by her cousin, she felt such an ego boost.

Seeing her cousin's expression, Kailey immediately knew that she said the right thing. She looked down and saw the folded clothes inside Scarlett's suitcase. An idea immediately occurred to her. "Scarlett, I didn't bring any clothes with me, and we're the same size. Can you give me some of your clothes?"

Seeing Scarlett's hesitation, she added, "You have such a rich boyfriend who is willing to give you a house. For sure, you'd have no problem getting him to buy you lots of beautiful clothes. How about..."

She deliberately trailed off. Scarlett's hand hovered over her suitcase. That was right-Jack left a bank card for her when he left. Although she didn't know how much money was actually in it, she knew that it couldn't be a measly amount.

Besides, she really wanted to show off in front of her cousin. Finally, Scarlett waved her hand airily and said, "Okay, these clothes are yours. I'll just ask my boyfriend to buy me better clothes."


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